NC Spring Fly-in 2017: Let's Try Again
Posted: Sat May 13, 2017 9:00 pm
Based on feedback, proposing either Saturday June 10 or Saturday June 17 for a re-try of the NC spring fly-in. Again nothing formal planned....just fingers crossed for no wind/rain and an opportunity for those interested to fly-in for the day and show-off your Sonex/Waiex/Onex/Xenos planes....or sub-sonex if you've got one. Threw out the option of BQ1 as a possible location or we can plan for Siler CIty again.....not sure of what coordination is needed with the airport....have not propsed this with Siler City.......just thinking that BQ1 would solve the "what's for lunch" issue since we would be right on the field at the Pik-N-Pig (but......good luck getting a sub-sonex in there). Let's hear what you think and if interested, let's get the word out.