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iPad overheat?

PostPosted: Sat Apr 09, 2022 5:43 pm
by JohnBlackstone
New owner. Flying iPad with ForeFlight on a Ram mount. How common is iPad overheat, and what do you use for backup?
I’ll be flying near/inside Class B airspace in Dallas and Houston this summer, as well as OSH.

I normally request flight following when operating near B airspace, but I still would like to know what you all are doing if you get the dreaded thermometer message.


Re: iPad overheat?

PostPosted: Sat Apr 09, 2022 7:55 pm
by pappas
I flew my RV8 with a ram mount Ipad for 350 hours. I flew my most recent Waiex B model for 150 hours with an Ipad mini in a flush mount Guardian avionics Ipad mount. The mini had a small cooling fan supplied by Guardian.

Flying in southern Arizona, my experience was that both Ipads would overheat on the ground, (parked) if they were receiving direct sunlight from the rear of the aircraft for more than about 20 minutes or parked on the ramp for 30 minutes or more allowing the cabin to heat soak. (Assuming that the outside temp was 95 degrees or better.) I would have to cover the units with a towel for about 10 minutes to get them to cool down sufficiently to run again. I got in the habit of parking the planes with a towel draped over the units. There were no issues when parked in a hangar.

During flight, the ipads would overheat if strong sunlight was hitting them directly from the rear for 30 or 40 minutes if I was at an altitude of 2500msl or lower. If I was at 3500 or higher, The ambient air cabin temp was usually sufficient to eliminate the overheat condition.

Keep your ipads out of direct sunlight and avoid ground heat soak or you will have to cool them prior to flight.

Re: iPad overheat?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2022 8:30 am
by JohnBlackstone
Thanks, Lou. I have no VOR, so I’m thinking of finding a portable GPS as a backup.

Re: iPad overheat?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2022 4:50 pm
by BRS
I've experienced iPad overheat a few times.
As mentioned, keeping it out of the sun is a big help. I use a ball cap and just toss it over the iPad when I'm not looking at it.
If you can direct some air from the outside vent (small scat tube) to the back of the unit then you'll not have any problems. I once used the ipad in certified plane. The RAM mount was just in front of the air vent - ideal. It could still overheat while parked though.

Re: iPad overheat?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 3:27 pm
by N190YX
I have used iPads for many years and the only time one has overheated was when it was left in a hot airplane in the sun. I "think" iPad overheating can be avoided, in addition to the suggestions in this thread, by starting with a fully charged battery and running the iPad on ship's power or an external battery. That way the iPad's battery is neither powering the iPad or being charged, so not producing any heat from the charging or powering mode.

Re: iPad overheat?

PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2022 2:28 pm
by JohnBlackstone
Great suggestion. I’ll start with full tank and full charge.

Re: iPad overheat?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2022 5:06 pm
by JohnBlackstone
good suggestions, all. I did order the XNaut. (Approx $200). Works great in Texas. I’ll still avoid charging the ipad when possible, and cover it with a ball cap perhaps, the the 4 whirring fans seem to be doing the trick. I’ll give the product a thumbs up.

Re: iPad overheat?

PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2022 8:05 am
by Skippydiesel
Pappas experience and my own were very similar.

I only had two iPad mini "black outs" , both in the air, both in winter, with minimal cockpit ventilation and the sun streaming in from behind, directly onto the iPad. I always had my iPad plugged in (charging) with the idea that if I ever had a power failure, I would still have the iPad navigation/information for the potentially maximum remaining battery hours.

My solution; A mini eye ball vent, in the centre of my panel, blowing cold air onto the back of the RAM mounted iPad- no further over temperature black outs.

I have since been told that just unplugging the iPad may have allowed it to run cooler - a much cheaper (KISS) solution.

My new Sonex has a dedicate iPad docking station WITH INBUILT FAN ! - yet to be tested.