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FAA Registration

PostPosted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 10:04 pm
by Scott Todd
I have built, owned, and registered several aircraft thru the years. I recently registered my Onex as it nears completion and wanted to share the experience.

I mailed the original application at the end of November. I once heard a rumor that they opened Priority mail differently than regular envelopes so I paid the $10 and sent it that way. The website said they were about two months behind on applications but I didn't want to cheap out on the important docs, especially with the original Bill of Sale in there. Within a week the application was returned with a mistake. I had forgot the engine model. So I wrote it in AND filled out a new application and had it re-notarized. Probably overkill but again, I didn't want to cut corners. I added a short note apologizing and thanking them for the quick turn and sent both applications and the note back in another Priority envelope. I also told them to toss the un-needed application.

Well about a week later my new Registration showed up in the mail! Its officially mine :) I don't know if it was the nice letters, the mistake getting flagged, the priority envelopes, or I was just on Santa's nice list this year. But it all happened! Your mileage may vary....
