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Good Video on a Onex 1-year Update

PostPosted: Wed Feb 05, 2020 9:43 pm
by sonex1374
Ben uploaded a really informative video updating us all on his Onex after the first year of flying. Lots of good info in there on his refinement process. He talks about vinyl wrapping, polishing, cockpit ergonomics, avionics, Onex performance and handling, and probably the most interesting part - his experience to date with his Turbo AeroVee.

Good job Ben!


Re: Good Video on a Onex 1-year Update

PostPosted: Wed Feb 05, 2020 11:31 pm
by JT1974
I agree. Great job Ben!

Re: Good Video on a Onex 1-year Update

PostPosted: Wed Feb 05, 2020 11:51 pm
by WesRagle
sonex1374 wrote:Good job Ben!

I agree. Ben's enthusiasm is contagious :-)

I'm down to a little polish, paint, and the seat cushion and I ran out of gas. Ben's video got me excited again. I'll be back at it tomorrow.

Thanks Ben!


Re: Good Video on a Onex 1-year Update

PostPosted: Thu Feb 06, 2020 8:56 am
by Matt541
Cool, that actually answered some questions I had on my Sonex project too. Very informative on the turbo.

Nice work Ben!

Thanks for posting this Jeff, probably would've missed it otherwise.

Re: Good Video on a Onex 1-year Update

PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2020 5:55 pm
by Rynoth
I also enjoyed the video!

I've been having the same rust issue with my low-time turbo, seems about 2 weeks of sitting is where it starts to become an issue, even with my liquid cooling (which probably has no impact on this particular issue.) Ben is freeing it up through the exhaust side of the turbo, I've been freeing it up through the intake side, which is probably easier to access in my install vs his Onex install. Still crossing my fingers that this goes away at the 100hr "seasoning" mark that's been suggested.

I've been using the 2.5 aeroinjector needle which clearly runs rich at idle, I solve it by leaning my mixture control on the ground. It performs well under power for me. I haven't gone so far as to do what Ben did in modifying his 2.0 needle and wonder if that's necessary versus just aggressively leaning (almost to shutoff) on the ground with the 2.5 needle.

Re: Good Video on a Onex 1-year Update

PostPosted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 3:03 am
by Onex107
I had the same problem with the 2 and 2 1/2 needle. But, by filing on a 2 1/2 you are really just changing it to a #3. You can calculate the angle of the needle. Just measure the thickness/rod diameter and the thickness at a known distance down the taper and do the trig. The needle should be .125 in dia. If it's undersize it could run a little richer than mine. The difference between the two needles are in minutes of a degree. Before you start filing, try the #3. I think you will like the way it idles after setting up the wide open. For my Aerovee, I mark the needle, on the bottom, with a sharp file. The shiny mark is easier to see and more accurate than a black marker line. But before you put the needle in, see how much play you have in the ball socket. The 3/8 X 16 set screw gives you .060 movement for each full turn. My ball socket had nearly a half turn of play and you will adjust in half turns or less. Tighten it up. I bring my file mark out to the edge of the slide and go 2 1/2 turns further. At this setting I can manage the EGT and CHT temps with half the movement of the mixture. A little richer on climb out to cool off #1 and a little leaner to get back to the 1200-1300 range for cruise. I don't touch the mixture from one flight to the next after that. I'm at 285 hours and I haven't touched the AeroInjector since the initial setup. I did go through all the needles until trying the #3. They all had the bad idle problem.