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Sonex 1517 engine upgrade

PostPosted: Tue Mar 19, 2019 7:18 pm
by Sonex1517
I am very happy to report that after 9+ months of work, this past Sunday I started my Jabiru 3300 Gen 4 for the first time. This was an engine conversion project, which included swapping the engine mount and adding ADS-B out. Let’s just say there were times it wasn’t fun.

I look forward to flying it very soon.

Re: Sonex 1517 engine upgrade

PostPosted: Tue Mar 19, 2019 7:44 pm
by Bryan Cotton
Very cool Robbie! Look forward to seeing it at C77 sometime!

Re: Sonex 1517 engine upgrade

PostPosted: Tue Mar 19, 2019 9:04 pm
by MichaelFarley56
Can't wait to hear about your first flight report Robbie!! Great work!

Re: Sonex 1517 engine upgrade

PostPosted: Tue Mar 19, 2019 10:26 pm
by Sonex1517

Bryan, I have a 5 hour phase one that includes C77. Count on a visit.

Re: Sonex 1517 engine upgrade

PostPosted: Wed Mar 20, 2019 12:29 am
by wlarson861
Congrats! I know first hand what you went through, it is very satisfying when your done. You are not going to believe the performance increase, even compared to the turbo. On the first take off think lots of right rudder. I was not prepared for how fast it jumps off the ground and wants to go left. You should have a ball with the set up!

Re: Sonex 1517 engine upgrade

PostPosted: Wed Mar 20, 2019 9:34 am
by keithrhode
Did the same conversion 7 years ago. Always add throttle slowly on take off, left turn tendency’s are easily controlled. Allow the elevator to go to neutral as power is added so tail will rise on its own. Once on main gear allow speed to build and it will fly off with a little up elevator.
Keith Rhode
Sonex s/n 1009

Re: Sonex 1517 engine upgrade

PostPosted: Wed Mar 20, 2019 10:14 am
by DCASonex
Nice, just in time for Spring and a summer of flying. I concur with all the other comments on flying a 3300. Please keep us advised on how that gen 4 engine works out.

David A. Sonex TD, CAMit 3300.

Re: Sonex 1517 engine upgrade

PostPosted: Thu Mar 21, 2019 1:04 pm
by vigilant104
Congratulations, Robbie. You've traveled a long, frustrating road, but you kept rowing. Best wishes for smooth sailing from here on out.


Re: Sonex 1517 engine upgrade

PostPosted: Sat Mar 23, 2019 5:41 pm
by Sonex1517
Today I flew Sonex 1517 with the new Generation 4 Jabiru 3300. All I can say is holy crap. It’s a freaking rocket.

And no, Bill, even anticipating it I did not put in enough right rudder.

Re: Sonex 1517 engine upgrade

PostPosted: Sat Mar 23, 2019 6:37 pm
by Bryan Cotton
Awesome Robbie!