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Pitot/Static tube mounting question

PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 11:42 pm
by Sonex1517
Did anyone here use the Aircraft Spruce pitot/static tube? If so what did you do to mount it?

I bought their pitot static tube and am currently making the mounting plate and brackets. To do so with the spruce version I am getting creative. Just curious how others solved this...

Specifically, the mount for the Aircraft Spruce pitot tube has a circular base with four countersunk holes. They fit right where the brackets that retain the static and pitot tubes on the inside of the wing skin will mount on the plate. I can use rivets there I suppose, since screws make no sense to me.

I can see a couple of possible solutions. One that makes the most sense is to countersink the holes for the attachment brackets and use flush rivets. That way the base of the pitot static tube will fit flat against the mounting plate.

If that made sense, maybe someone who's been there and done this can chime in....

I took photos at Crossville of everything on other airplanes that I thought I would be doing this winter on my wings...except this, of course.

Sonex 1517

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

Pitot/Static tube mounting question

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 11:35 am
by Sonex1517
A few photos may help.

This is page SNX-23 parts -06R and -06L as well as -05 made from stock.

These photos show the pitot tube clecoed to the mounting plate. In several of the photos I placed the bracket used to hold the pitot tube in place on the inside of the wing in the location the plans show it being mounted.

To hold the mounting bracket, three holes are pilot drilled and the plans show CCP-42 rivets. If I use the CCP rivets the head will make the pitot tube base sit up off the mounting plate.

So far, I think if I counter sink the mounting plate and use CCC-42 rivets to hold the mounting brackets it will work. This way the flush rivets, if done properly, should make this a non issue.

I am going to use CCC-46 rivets to mount the pitot tube to the mounting plate.


Sonex 1517

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

Re: Pitot/Static tube mounting question

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 4:19 pm
by MichaelFarley56
Hey Robbie,

I don't think I have any pictures but I basically made a doubler plate just like yours with a central hole drilled in it for the metal pitot lines, and then I used small solid rivets to attach nutplates on the back so I could use countersunk screws to hold the pitot mast to the doubler plate. I wanted to be able to remove my pitot tube in case I needed to paint, take the wings off, etc, so I didn't want to use rivets.

Otherwise, I attached the doubler to the leading edge skin with CCP-42 rivets.