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Colville, WA. Sonex?

PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 2:40 pm
by LarryEWaiex121
Anyone monitoring this group in Colville, WA. yesterday on the 6th of August?
Flew in from CoeurdAlene, Idaho to Bonners Ferry, Idaho.
Had breakfast and jumped over the Mtn's. to Cavanaugh Bay on South end of Priest Lake.
Left Cavanaugh and flew through fairly thick forest fire smoke to Colville, Wa. and found a silver Sonex/taildragger on the ramp as I back taxied for takeoff.
Never thought to grab the N number on the way by.
It was polished with silver cowl and a big Sonex sticker on the sides and invasion looking stripes on it. Sharp plane. Think the N number was something, something SX.
Should have snapped a pic. Darn.
Worried about getting socked in with the smoke so I beat-feeted it out of the area without stopping. Nice to see another Sonex in the area.

Waiex121YX, Camit 3300, Skyview