MichaelFarley56 wrote:Just a thought Ron, and I’m sure you’ve already considered this...
Adding ADS-B Out to the RV could be as easy as installing a uAvionix Echo UAT or one of the wingtip/tail beacon systems (if the airplane has exterior lights). Those would potentially work with the current transponder, not add anything to the panel, and only be $1500 or so. That way you don’t need to tear into the Waiex, maintain its value, and solve the ADS-B issue with the RV.
Matt541 wrote:Good morning Ron, I'd say Mike's assessment is pretty spot on. I keep tabs on the market with multiple aircraft types, something to do I guess. Naturally, Jab 3300 models are listed at a higher price point than VW equipped ones. Some people post a higher asking price, but we don't know what they actually sell for. It seems as soon as you see a nice example priced at $25k+, something similarly equipped gets posted for ~$18k. So it really all depends.
FWIW, when I was still in the market I was instantly taking $2k off the top for aircraft not equipped with ADS-B sight unseen. Some sellers agreed with that, some didn't. (In the end, I bought a project and it really didn't matter.) But you might come across others like me in that sense.
I say leave it in, makes your offering more attractive to the buyer. (I actually know one person in the market right now who would need it.) And allows you to post a higher asking price to boot.
I'm very familiar with your airspace, CLT controllers had a field day when I was having issues with a transponder pre ADS-B. (Multiple 360s to "establish my position.") How is the buyer supposed to get your Waiex out of the Bravo/ Veil? Pay someone to install a new system? Take the wings off and haul it? I know you'll face the same problem with the RV, but you'd be limiting your market for sure.
And yes the insurance issue is a big one too. $2-3k (and climbing) for the first year Sonex buyer is not an attractive proposition. But I would at least be more comfortable getting dual with the extra power the Jab offers. Just gotta find a CFI with time in type.
Side note, congrats on realizing where you were financially and getting nearly debt free! It takes time and sacrifice and is certainly worth recognizing. It's all too easy anymore to just add another monthly payment...
Scott Todd wrote:Its pretty straight forward to get a waiver to fly out of the airspace without ADS-B so that shouldn't be a detourant. I've also installed a few of the uAvionix echoUAT SkyFYX bundles. Its about the cheapest solution and it provides ADS-B in. It only takes an hour or so and is just basically two antennas and power. Again, I wouldn't let it be a deal breaker.
But having said all that, many buyers just want turn key. It may help sell. The first step is admitting you won't get your money back no matter what. The timing is a bit off for yours but I'll be looking for a flying Jab one in the near future for the sole purpose of providing flight/transition training. I expect to find one for around $30 but would be happy for a bit less without avionics.
Scott Todd wrote:I like to watch used airplane prices too and various brands carry different values. Looking at Graeme's rough numbers of 18,4,18 puts it at $40. Like most people say here and what you see in the market, $30 is closer to what similar Sonex's sell for. It seems to be a buyers market for our beloved little airplane.
gyroron wrote:But you only need it for bravo airspace as far as I know... and there is a lot of people flying all over in airspace that doesn't require it. I suppose from a safety stand point, there are a lot of people with ADSB in, and watching on their Ipad for other traffic, so broadcasting ADSB out even in airspace it isn't required in could be a good thing for safety sake.
gyroron wrote:...By the time I buy a new radio, upgrade the transponder and add ADS-b and redo the panel and do the other upgrades I would want to do, I would have as much money into it as others I see for sale that have all that done already. Ill just pay more and get the better plane to start with.
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