Flush rivet option poll

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Are you using flush rivets on all exterior skins?

Yes, I used flush rivets on all exterior skins
No, I used protuding head rivets on all exterior skins
Total votes : 13

Re: Flush rivet option poll

Postby 142YX » Wed Jul 11, 2012 4:34 am

Thanks for the response guys, i do appreciate it.

I forgot to lower my air compressor pressure when i did my leading edge, and this probably contributed to the failure rate.. but i can honestly say that i have tried just what you have both described in the past as still experienced a high failure rate. Using Sonex's simple dimple die, i found that the hole was way to big if i used a #30 before dimpling. I ended up using a #32 simply because it was the smallest hole i could make and still jam a cleco into, and fit the simple dimple die nail through, and i was still really disappointed in how large the holes came out post dimpling (50% of clecos will just pop out of the final hole). I think when i do my other leading edge, i may try to find a smaller nail (which will probably surely break on me) or make some kind of custom nail so that i can dimple through a #40 hole and then upsize and painstakingly de-burr post dimple. These CCC-4# rivets really have been the biggest annoyance to me overall from this entire build.
Waiex # 142 - Taildragger, Jabiru 3300
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Flush rivet option poll

Postby rizzz » Wed Jul 11, 2012 4:43 am

There is a good article on this subject on the sonexaus website:
It adresses the issue of nail sizes and provides tricks for how to still make the cleco's usable
Sonex #145 from scratch (mostly)
Taildragger, 2.4L VW engine, AeroInjector, Prince 54x48 P-Tip
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