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Hi from MS

PostPosted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 11:55 pm
by h.dale
Hello everyone

I just joined the forum after reading about the SubSonex in the AOPA magazine several months ago. I have built model airplanes since a kid and recently built and flown a number of turbine RC aircraft with turbines similar to the SubSonex only smaller. I have always wanted to build a full size aircraft and after seeing the Onex I am seriously considering it. I am an instrument rated pilot but have not flown in a number of years. I have flown the Gruman trainer and Traveler, Cessna 150, 172 and have owned a Cessna 152 and Aeronca 7AC. My question is would experience in these aircraft be enough to fly the Onex or should I look at something more docile?

As an aside I was very impressed with the Subsonex so I created one for the X-Plane simulator with specs from the Sonex website just to get an idea how it would fly. I recently finished it and am flying it on the simulator. Of course I haven't flown the real thing but I think it performs very similar. If the real one flys like this it would be a fun airplane to have. I would attach some pictures but I can't seem to cut them down to the proper size.


Re: Hi from MS

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 12:13 am
by gammaxy

My understanding is the bandwidth costs involved in hosting pictures makes it so you need to use an external hosting site for pictures. Here's a post that describes how you can use such a site and still embed images in your posts:

If you're willing to share, I'd be interested in playing with your SubSonex model.

Most will probably agree that the Sonex line is relatively easy to fly and your experience should be sufficient. I attended the factory's transition training and found it to be excellent.

Re: Hi from MS

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 6:34 pm
by h.dale

I'll be glad to share it with you. I have several more changes to make but it will probably be after the end of the year before I can get them done if that is okay with you.
