by h.dale » Mon Nov 30, 2015 11:55 pm
Hello everyone
I just joined the forum after reading about the SubSonex in the AOPA magazine several months ago. I have built model airplanes since a kid and recently built and flown a number of turbine RC aircraft with turbines similar to the SubSonex only smaller. I have always wanted to build a full size aircraft and after seeing the Onex I am seriously considering it. I am an instrument rated pilot but have not flown in a number of years. I have flown the Gruman trainer and Traveler, Cessna 150, 172 and have owned a Cessna 152 and Aeronca 7AC. My question is would experience in these aircraft be enough to fly the Onex or should I look at something more docile?
As an aside I was very impressed with the Subsonex so I created one for the X-Plane simulator with specs from the Sonex website just to get an idea how it would fly. I recently finished it and am flying it on the simulator. Of course I haven't flown the real thing but I think it performs very similar. If the real one flys like this it would be a fun airplane to have. I would attach some pictures but I can't seem to cut them down to the proper size.