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From Qingdao, China

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 2:59 pm
by swen
Hi guys
My name is Swen and I work in Qingdao, China for a German company. Regrettable, to my knowledge there is no Sonex in China albeit management is looking serious about importing one aircraft. We have applied with the relevant authorities for a builder license.

Thanks for your time.

Swen Burmeister

Re: From Qingdao, China

PostPosted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 10:41 am
by alowe568
On my trips to China I've shown pictures and talked about experimental aviation in the US. My Chinese colleagues were amazed that such an activity is allowed. I've been told that there is not much general aviation, let alone experimental in China. Are you working in an aviation related industry?

Sonex 568

Re: From Qingdao, China

PostPosted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 11:25 am
by swen
Hi Alan

There is an experimental aviation in China albeit now as we know it from the west, one has to bear in mind most of the Chinese live in high rise apartments, even with very limited or no parking place, in the west most people live in house and have the benefit of a garage or some even have a huge shed. But, experimentalist are thriving in China, this guys are the fortunate to life in farming communities and own a house and a shed, most are Gyro enthusiast and some going in to FW. In fact, there is a huge cottage industries related to aviation. There is another problem in China, while they say opening the air space, this is very limited to private corporations and some of the rich guys in China most experimentalist are flying illegal and that is no big deal. In the next 20 years China will need over 400.000 pilots, flight academies are popping all over the place, western companies are furiously setting up aviation business and rich Chinese are buying up all the can related to aviation. Boeing, Airbus and a raft of western companies are already manufacturing in China aircrafts and helicopters. There is an interesting aspect worth to mention, some of the western LSA and Kit manufacturers have landed here, misinformed there are of the need of a government permit or license to build aircrafts, easy way out, team up with a Chinese partner and this guy’s been totally corrupt, you can imagine the rest. We have the license to build aircrafts just looking around what would be the ideal trainer thus joining this board and reading about the Sonex.

Re: From Qingdao, China

PostPosted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 7:44 pm
by planeolbob
A long time ago Sonex shipped 5 kits to China. I always wondered how many aircraft were finished and flying.
Bob (Back Home again)