by nosky2high » Thu Jan 14, 2016 11:44 am
New Waiex Builder Introduction from Enterprise, AL.
I'm a nearly 2000tt fixed wing instrument pilot, three time airplane owner; two piper cherokees, now a 1968 Mooney that we fly 200hrs per year. I've worked with several RV builders over the years on their projects and am finally getting started on my dream of building. There are several Sonex builders in the area, I haven't come across any Waiex owners yet.
Although I'm just getting started on the tail kit, this forum has already been an invaluable resource and I equally look forward to the building experience as well as the eventual first flight. Tool aquisition and shop preparations continue and hope to start putting parts together in the next day or two.
Thanks in advance for all the assistance.
Anthony Hanson
Waiex Tail Kit Collecting Dust
Owner Pilot N631KY, 1967 Mooney M20F
nosky2high@yahoo.comOzark, AL