At some point I'll also attempt to write a "hints/problems" list that I've came up with, even though I'll be repeating most of Kip's observations. One small item to add (my afternoon project) is that the fiberglass wingtips also don't fit the greatest. I found the forward edge curve of the wing is different than the fiberglass tip so I had to force the tip forward to get an adequate fit.
I'm going to try and help myself out by making my wingtip light mounts removable for interior wing inspections and light replacement.
You can't see it, but on each wingtip I used a 3" hole saw to cut two holes out, and then cut out the rest of the fiberglass to make a 3" X 5" opening under the mount.
I still need to install nutplates for screws and then I can install these for good. Also be prepared to trim some of the lower flange of the tip for better fit. Mine wont be better than a "B" job but they'll work for now!