Tuning AeroCarb

Discussion of the Aerovee kit engine.

Tuning AeroCarb

Postby Sonex1414 » Mon Jul 28, 2014 9:17 pm

I am sure that I am the only one that has had trouble tuning the AeroCarb. The manual states that the temperature drop from running lean of peak to full rich should be around 100 degrees. I ran my AeroVee on the ground with the cowl off. I have a special baffle to duct air down through the heads so they do not overheat. I ran the engine at WOT and went to LOP, noted the temp. then went full rich and again noted the temp. I am using the Grand Rapids EIS. I have an EGT probe on all 4 cylinders. I repeated this test 4 times and averaged the temp. change of each cylinder. The #1 cylinder temp dropped 55 degrees, the #2 dropped 159 degrees, the #3 went UP 82 degrees, the #4 dropped 139 degrees. Has anyone had the temp. on one cylinder go up when they went to full rich? If so, why did it do that and what did you do about it? Clearly my back two cylinders, #1 and #3, are not getting the same amount of fuel as the front two when I go to full rich. Again I performed this test on the ground. I am not sure if I will get the same results in the air with the cowl on.

Thanks for any help.
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Joined: Mon Jun 02, 2014 8:53 pm

Re: Tuning AeroCarb

Postby Sonex541 » Tue Jul 29, 2014 1:55 am

I actually have the revflow with the revmaster and I was running a little lean and high egt so yesterday pulled the cowl and went half turn out to richen it up and wow it was too rich , so settled on a 1/4 turn out , egts seem better and also when I leaned it out I got the 100 degree spread so I think it should be fine , we will see Tomorow when I take it up . I also I never ever touch my mixture in flight , leave it full rich 100% of the time , , all of he time , I did notice when I was a half turn out. It smoothed right out when I pulled the mixture out and ran great , just lookin for the happy medium ,
Adam Simmons
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