Engine thrust line

Rotax 912 series discussion.

Re: Engine thrust line

Postby funflyingguy » Sat Aug 31, 2024 10:04 am

appreciate the thoughts and feedback from all. i have other details i can share. thinking i'll post them on a more appropriate topic as this one is for engine thrust line.

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Joined: Fri May 17, 2024 8:22 pm

Re: Engine thrust line

Postby funflyingguy » Sat Aug 31, 2024 5:30 pm


"I use a P profile, self adhesive, gap seal. Works very well. Take your time in placing it so that the canopy only just compresses it at the contact point."

do you happen to have a picture of your gap seal? i have what i think is a rather unusual issue with the back edge of my canopy. it is not a continuous curve, but califlower shaped! the edge goes in and out, in and out, repeatedly from edge to edge, with almost a 1/2" gap at the widest points. my guess is that the builder did not cut the side edges short enough causing the canopy to sit high. he then secured the rear canopy edge by drawing down the canopy to the curved aluminum bar at about 4" intervals as much as he dared. probably heated it as he did so to avoid cracking. so i have an uneven gap in places. also, not sure if this is common, but the back edge of the canopy doesnt quite reach the top of the fuselage, leaving about a 1/8" gap there too. so fixing my canopy gap seems more complicated. i have some ideas, including attaching a curved, 1/4" aluminum trim piece along the top edge of the fuselage just short of contacting the canopy then using soft rubber door seal to close off most or all of the remaining gap.

still thinking this one through.......

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Joined: Fri May 17, 2024 8:22 pm


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