Osh 23 helo/gyro crash.

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Osh 23 helo/gyro crash.

Postby WaiexN143NM » Thu May 23, 2024 11:08 pm

Hi all,
Very interesting reading regarding the gyro/ helo crash at airventure 2023. Ntsb final was 5/16/24.
scroll down to aviation mishaps.
look for osh-aircraft down south ultralite area

Especially for any of us that attend airventure , maybe even flying into the show.
thought provoking regarding safety, insurance, procedures, compliance.

Dale posts on this site sometimes, good to see your posts dale!

Ive attended every airventure in oshkosh except 2020. As i get older im getting a little edgy over all the activity and safety. Maybe some holdover from my career.

Many of us carry insurance because our home airports require it.


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Re: Osh 23 helo/gyro crash.

Postby XenosN42 » Fri May 24, 2024 8:45 am

-- Michael
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Re: Osh 23 helo/gyro crash.

Postby WaiexN143NM » Fri May 24, 2024 10:33 am

Hi all,

Thanks michael for posting the direct link to ntsb final report.

Lots of interesting comments in the POA post from eyewitnesses and the aftermath.

Ive only flown into airventure once, mid 80’s, with dad in the varieze.

That the eaa doesnt require insurance when registering your plane is stunning.
any kind of accident could happen, including weather related, tornados and thunderstorms.

The local car club here in palm springs when you show your car and register requires proof of insurance.

The rotorway helo and gyro in the accident both giving demo rides. Not insured. The mooney

The ultralite flight path goes over parked cars and camping. Weve been lucky.
We may see changes this yr.

We may never know the final outcome of this accident, lawyers get involved , lawsuits and settlements.

Be safe out there. Travel at your own risk. Ive got insurance , i hope you do too.

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Re: Osh 23 helo/gyro crash.

Postby Kerry Fores » Mon May 27, 2024 1:20 pm

Having grown up in Oshkosh, I've seen more fly-in accidents and close calls than I care to recall. I would never fly in to AirVenture. Ever. The day of this accident my sister and I sat on the bleachers and watched the rotorcraft and gyroplanes for a while. I commented to my sister that I felt very vulnerable. There was a single place helicopter doing sudden speed and direction changes just a few feet off the ground very near the spectator fence. It then flew to a corner of the runway and began tipping over and uprighting a cone with its skid. My sister and I moved on, toward the aircraft parking area just east of the rotorcraft/ultralight field. While sitting under the tail of a large twin I heard a boom and looked south in time to see the helicopter plummet and begin to to burn. I was too far away to help in any way. It seemed the response time of anyone of an official capacity was slow. I've seen that with other on-field accidents. As my sister and walked north, away from the accident, a panicked man was running south on the road that runs the length of the convention site. He ran to a van that had just left the accident area and begged for a ride there, stating his son was "under the wreckage." The occupants of the van--and I was close enough to hear their words--said they weren't going that way and continued driving north while this poor panicked man ran off in another direction looking for help.

For years, prior to retiring from Sonex, I had nightly aircraft-crashing nightmares, many centered around AirVenture. As a witness to this accident I'd describe it as sobering, certainly sad, but I wasn't shocked. As I said, I've seen so much over the years that I've come to expect accidents. My only shock is that there hasn't been a truly catastrophic accident yet. I noticed a few years ago that some warbirds now fly over the crowd and turn west, over the North 40, as part of their performance pattern. There was a time not long ago when any flight over the crowd or the parking areas was strictly prohibited. I don't know why that changed.

If you're flying to AirVenture, read the NOTAM. Don't deviate. Arrive with plenty fo fuel and plenty of patience. Look out for airplanes flying the wrong way, landing the wrong way and landing on the wrong runway.

Kerry Fores
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Re: Osh 23 helo/gyro crash.

Postby WaiexN143NM » Mon May 27, 2024 3:41 pm

Hi all, Kerry,
Thanks for your words. As you stated, i also have been waiting for a major accident to happen.
Im suprised a midair hasnt happened west of KOSH and holding like flies. Too many unprepared pilots arriving
not following the notam, cutting in line, breaking the procedures. I hear it every year from friends that flew
in. Planes landing the wrong way, wrong rwy, etc. I think the FAA needs to step up and be more forceful on the transgressors.
The ultralite area, i think has outgrown its capacity. Maybe it needs to move.
That the gyro in accident was told repeatedly in the morning briefings to knock off the 360* turns in the pattern , yet it was allowed to continue, the day before almost a midair with him. words on freq for him to knock it off. Now there is a one strike rule and your done for the week. all of this in the ntsb docket.
The gyro pilots interview comments in the ntsb report reek of irresponsibility. Saying he was never told he couldnt do 360’s , saying he wouldnt fly there again too chaotic, not organized well. Giving demo rides and
no insurance.

ARFF airport rescue and firefighting. Ive only seen the trucks north end by the terminal .
Yes long response times. I’d sure like to see the trucks positioned around the airfield.

To the EAA- would sure like to see you require insurance for aircraft to attend this event. You are leaving the organization open to lawsuits against you instead of individual aircraft.

To the FAA- would sure like to see you crack down on the wayward pilots and the inept flying.

Would sure like to see you two to work together and eliminate any flying over people, parked planes, car lots. The event has grown to the point that changes need to be be made. I hope you heed this advice.

Ive worked many airshow towers, fire temp towers on the west coast. ive seen it all and then some.

Hoping for a safe airventure 2024.

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