AeroVee Turbo Total Forward Install Weight

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AeroVee Turbo Total Forward Install Weight

Postby ASDomenighi » Thu Aug 18, 2022 9:48 am

From the AeroVee Turbo web site, the engine weight is 185 lbs less oil. How can a forward installation, be the same or below 200 lbs when you add, battery, liquids, engine mount, dual fuel pump, oil reservoir, propeller, cowling, etc ??!
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Re: AeroVee Turbo Total Forward Install Weight

Postby NWade » Fri Aug 19, 2022 2:06 pm


I think you may be conflating a few things, or misunderstanding what the 200-lbs weight limit applies to.

There are several things you listed that do not count against the 200-lb weight limit, including: Battery, Engine Mount, Propeller, or Cowling.

Additionally, I'm not sure why you mentioned a "dual fuel pump" in regards to the AeroVee Turbo? The AeroVee Turbo gets its fuel via a carburetor or throttle-body-injector (such as the AeroCarb/AeroInjector). These operate at low PSI, using just gravity to ensure fuel flow from the fuselage tank to the carb (mounted at a low point in the cowling). No fuel pump is necessary or recommended.

You also mention an "oil reservoir" - but there is no large oil tank or reservoir for the AeroVee Turbo. There is a very small oil-sump that attaches to the underside of the Turbo, and there is a spin-on oil-filter that gets mounted on the firewall (with associated hoses). Neither adds a large amount of oil or weight to the overall installation (perhaps 5 pounds).

It is true that the AeroVee Turbo adds weight and complexity over the base AeroVee engine; but it is approved by the factory and meets the 200-lb weight limit for the engine, fluids, and engine-mounted accessories.

Sonex #1339, AeroVee Turbo
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Re: AeroVee Turbo Total Forward Install Weight

Postby daleandee » Sat Aug 20, 2022 9:47 pm

NWade wrote:It is true that the AeroVee Turbo adds weight and complexity over the base AeroVee engine; but it is approved by the factory and meets the 200-lb weight limit for the engine, fluids, and engine-mounted accessories.

Sonex #1339, AeroVee Turbo

I see that nobody wants to touch this discussion and I'm hesitant also but I've been hammered a few times over FWF weight because I have a 3.0 Corvair on the nose of my taildragger. I would ask Noel if you have verified these weights or are you quoting the factory specifications on this?

If we are just talking engine without oil I can claim my Corvair at 218 lbs. FWF but the actual installed weight is higher than that (weights were discussed in another thread - (viewtopic.php?f=9&t=4273&hilit=justification) when all of the FWF items are counted (as it should be).

The Aerovee is listed at 160 lbs. without exhaust & oil. The prototype turbo Aerovee was listed at 185 lbs. using Nikasil Cylinders (without exhaust and oil?). Since that time there have been several items added to these turboed engines (cooling radiator, fan, pumps, hoses, clamps, wiring, coolant) and all of that adds weight beside the more than 5lbs of oil that it carries. So I believe the OP has a legitimate question.

Has any builder verified by an accurate scale what the total weight of the FWF install is on a Turbo-Aerovee? At the end of the day it matters not to me as that is not the engine I would choose but other prospective builders might want/need this information ...
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Re: AeroVee Turbo Total Forward Install Weight

Postby ASDomenighi » Mon Aug 22, 2022 1:12 pm

Noel and daleandee, thanks for your comments. Noel sorry for my lack of knowledge on the details of the AeroVee Turbo, and thanks for your explanations. But like daleandee, commented above, I believe is important to know the total weight forward adding all the items used on each engine. Per example I have a interested on using the MWFly engine, but I would like to have a reference from weight installation of other options. I know that Sonex C-GVNZ (originally made in Canada but now in process of moving to US), use MWFly engine but perhaps installed the battery on the back, for a better CG adjustment.
Don't want to create a debate, but just generate data to support different applications.
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