How much do you fly your Sonex (or Waiex or Onex or Xenos?

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How much do you fly your Sonex (or Waiex or Onex or Xenos?

Postby GraemeSmith » Sat Nov 13, 2021 7:38 am

I am attempting to gather information about how much the FLYING (not still building - hangar flying doesn't count!!) Sonex fleet of aircraft are flown to compare it to the known accidents and so produce a figure for "accidents/incidents per 100,00 hours flown" which is an industry metric.   I have researched the USA accidents from the NTSB database.

The more people prepared to take part - the more accurate a figure I will obtain.  Results will be publicly shared in anonymous format through the Sonex Builders website and Sonex Facebook page.

I've kept it as simple as possible. About 2 mins to complete.

This is a PERSONAL exercise to share with the Sonex flying community and is not associated with any aviation organization or government entity!

If you choose to take the survey I promise you that when I share the results - all personally identifiable information will be removed (though I don't try and collect it!).

Take the survey here (please):
Graeme JW Smith
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Re: How much do you fly your Sonex (or Waiex or Onex or Xeno

Postby GraemeSmith » Sun Nov 14, 2021 8:17 am

A little "bump" on this one.

A big "THANK YOU" to everyone who has completed this in just the first 24 hours. If you were thinking of doing but had not yet - please - if you have two minutes during Sunday morning coffee.......

Reminder - it's completely anonymous - so I'd like to thank all those who have taken that on trust and been candid with their answer to Question 7 "Other" if it applied to them. Some of them are quite revealing!

So if you haven't filled it in and have a moment:

Graeme JW Smith
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Re: How much do you fly your Sonex (or Waiex or Onex or Xeno

Postby GraemeSmith » Mon Nov 22, 2021 9:59 am

Thanks to everyone who completed this.

Still Crunching the numbers. Lot of data to corral and to align with FAA and NTSB methods so I can make meaningful comparisons.
Graeme JW Smith
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