FAA Proposed Regulation Mosiac

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FAA Proposed Regulation Mosiac

Postby WaiexN143NM » Thu Apr 23, 2020 6:19 pm

Hi all,

Very good article to read, on dan johnson’s site. www.bydanjohnson.com
basically LAMA and proposed rule making for the future. upate report spring 2020.
faa will have new rules by end 2023.
includes LSA. and electric propulsion proposal
scroll down from top article.

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Re: FAA Proposed Regulation Mosiac

Postby Sonerai13 » Fri Apr 24, 2020 10:49 am

It is important to recognize that MOSAIC is an aircraft certification proposal, and does not specifically address pilot certification issues. While the sport pilot and light-sport rules were introduced concurrently, and as of right now sport pilots are allowed to operate aircraft that fit the light-sport category, that is not set in stone. The MOSAIC reforms could end up separating the two, allowing heavier and faster aircraft to be certificated under ASTM standards as "light-sport aircraft" while continuing to limit Sport pilots to operating the aircraft they currently can operate. EAA and other user groups hope that is not the case. We all hope that the limitations on the sport pilot certificate will be expended along with the aircraft certification rules. But that is not guaranteed. There's a lot of water that still needs to flow over the spillway on this one, so stay tuned.

My point is, don't make any assumptions and don't get your hopes up. We won't know the real details until an NPRM is issued. At that point we will know the FAA's direction, and will be allowed to make official comments pro or con. Until then we must keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best.
Joe Norris
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