EAA vs SOS airventure beer tent

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Re: EAA vs SOS airventure beer tent

Postby WesRagle » Mon Dec 09, 2019 11:24 pm

lgsievila wrote:Admit you screwed up Jack Pelton and if you cant the board should fire you IMHOP.

Hi Loren,

I never have trusted the types of people who are drawn toward leadership positions in America. You know, the professional corporate executives. Many of them have no empathy and no conscience. In short, many of them are so egotistical/narcissistic that I find it embarrassing to be associated with them. They will say and do whatever it takes to inflate their credentials and their public image.

Example: Soon after Pelton was named CEO of Cessna, it was revealed in 2004 that his resume included references to education received from Hamilton University, which 60 Minutes news program discovered was a diploma mill (Ref. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_J._Pelton).

If you have ever spent any time in the presence of such people you will understand that, from their point of view, being right is the one and only thing of importance.

I doubt that Jack's ego will allow him to admit he's wrong. I can almost hear the condescending tone as he explains that we simply don't understand.

I do wish EAA could be unlike corporate America.


P.S. Thanks for the visit. See you next time.
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Re: EAA vs SOS airventure beer tent

Postby GraemeSmith » Tue Dec 10, 2019 4:32 am

Check the Wikipedia entry for EAA.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Experimen ... on#History

As the EAA will probably edit it away at first opportunity the last paragraph of their history currently reads:

On 22nd November 2019 the EAA filed suit in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin against CARL SOSNOSKI, DEAN SOSNOSKI and STEVEN SOSNOSKI.[17] In the suit the EAA claims that their operation of a Beer Tent named "BeerVenture" adjacent to and during the annual EAA Airventure event is a trademark violation. The suit has drawn almost universal condemnation from EAA membership in a variety of aviation forums as being both petty, a waste of their dues and in light of multiple events with the same name - probably without merit.[18]
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Re: EAA vs SOS airventure beer tent

Postby WesRagle » Tue Dec 10, 2019 12:39 pm

I checked, I can't seem to find it. Hmm...

I did click on Jack's picture. I've seen that look before. It was in a meeting when I accidentally made a comment that didn't support the official corporate story line. Not good.

Whew, I think he's looking at you Graeme.

The link that started all of this has a new look, a new name.

I need to quit thinking about this. I think I'll venture out to the ... whoa, whoa!! I mean I think I'll walk out to the shop and see if I can make some progress on the project.

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Re: EAA vs SOS airventure beer tent

Postby lakespookie » Tue Dec 10, 2019 5:29 pm

Well I have officially cancelled my auto renewal.
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Re: EAA vs SOS airventure beer tent

Postby GordonTurner » Tue Dec 10, 2019 6:24 pm

That would be the same Jack Pelton who as CEO of Cessna took production of their Skycrap trainer plane to China.....it failed, but it was a pretty big slap to the skilled labor force of American workers at Cessna. I’m canceling my auto renewal as well, and I’ll be voting against the current board whenever they have their annual meeting. I think this organization can better serve its members.

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Re: EAA vs SOS airventure beer tent

Postby Jgibson » Tue Dec 10, 2019 8:23 pm

Cancelled my auto-renewal also and for the first time since 1984, won't be renewing membership.
As the organization has moved closer to being a 'business' in the past ten years or so, I've become more and more disenchanted with the 'value' they purport to offer.
Everything is about the money, all built on the backs of the volunteers that actually make Air V******
The success that it is.
I'm out. Not 'because' of the lawsuit but because of the corporate mentality that people like Peyton bring to the argument.
As an aside: when Cessna announced the Skycatcher plan, I had a SPIRITED discussion with a female VIP in the Cessna tent at Air V****** explaining my disgust about the plan to build in China. It was indefensible and she knew it.
Turns out it was Jack Pelton's wife. When I found that out, I felt even better about voicing my opinion.
The EAA likes to play super-patriot and wave the flag, but will sell their soul for overseas junk for the almighty buck.
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Re: EAA vs SOS airventure beer tent

Postby WesRagle » Wed Dec 11, 2019 1:02 am

Hi Guys,

In more rational moments I realize that, in the midst of all of this complaining and "Jack Bashing", there are several inconvenient facts we have to deal with.

1) EAA Corporate has a large number of tremendous achievements to their credit. This shouldn't be overshadowed by one embarrassing law suite.
2) We need EAA. And, for EAA to be able to advocate for us, they have to be able navigate the US legislature. That requires all the trappings of a corporation including lawyers and lobbyists.
3) EAA is indeed a corporation. They apparently operate in accordance with "The Seventh Restated Bylaws of the Experimental Aircraft Association". I haven't found a copy of that document, but I'm still looking. Reading article one of the attached file will clear up any doubt about their corporate status.
4) Membership dues account for only about 13% of EAA's revenue so depriving them of your membership dues will have little effect. Ref. https://www.eaa.org/-/media/Files/EAA/About/2019-Annual-Membership-Meeting-Minutes.ashx?la=en
5) Complaining on an aircraft specific build forum will have little effect.

If I don't like the direction EAA is heading shouldn't it be my responsibility, as a member, to try to nudge the organization back on track? To be honest, I'm a little embarrassed to admit that I know little to nothing about how the organization functions. I intend to fix that.

Now, would someone please point me to the "The Seventh Restated Bylaws of the Experimental Aircraft Association".


2013-Articles of Incorporation-EAA (3).pdf
(115.29 KiB) Downloaded 335 times
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Re: EAA vs SOS airventure beer tent

Postby DCASonex » Wed Dec 11, 2019 9:23 am

I would add one more thought on the EAA vs SOS issue. EAA corp may have its head up it a--- but the chapters are great, and at least at our chapter, EAA membership is required to be a chapter member and to be covered by insurance for things like young eagles flights and the week long summer aviation camp we ran for a few years. . Canceling auto-renewal helps send a signal to corp, but canceling membership may more than is warranted and we loose the ability to vote on the board. The organization is worth saving (And my wife is Mrs EAA, at least those are here initials.:-) Now that my plane is built, I often rely more on AOPA's services than EAA's but they are every bit as much a money driven corp entity.

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Re: EAA vs SOS airventure beer tent

Postby achesos » Wed Dec 11, 2019 2:56 pm

I think we should thank Wes for reminding us about the giant elephant in the room... I can't agree more. And I was just re-elected Chapter Secretary, so technically, I can't quit either for the same reason DCA just stated. I'm not going to cancel anything. Yet.
I'm trying to keep some perspective here, and acknowledge that overall, EAA does more good than harm. The method in this specific case is quite ham-fisted on the surface, but I bet there are plenty of details that most of us don't know about (yet, if ever). I wonder if the S Bros are members??? Wouldn't be surprised.
Bottom line for me is, EAA provides useful services as a big organization for people like me. They need some revenue to do so, and typically the best people to run this size organization had some practice doing so somewhere else previously. Just like most folks at that level are, they all-too-often seem to lean towards arrogant and condescending, but also driven. And they always seem to try to drive their minions towards maximized success. The evils of economics.

Reminds me of Brian Doyle Murray's line in "Christmas Vacation" at the end - "what looks good on paper loses its luster when you see how it affects people, little people, like you". (Or something close to that). I don't mean to defend this method (the litigation, strong-arm tactics) at all, but I choose to believe that most of us try to do the right thing, most of the time, but don't always get it right.

Opinions and a-holes. Everybody has one, right?
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Re: EAA vs SOS airventure beer tent

Postby JerryCPP » Thu Dec 12, 2019 2:34 am

I don't drink (medical situation) and I've never been to Airventure. But, reading about this stupid lawsuit is getting me worried - I ride a Yamaha Venture. Should I be removing or covering the name, or am I safe as long as I don't go near Oshkosh?
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