EAA vs SOS airventure beer tent

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Re: EAA vs SOS airventure beer tent

Postby WesRagle » Tue Dec 03, 2019 2:26 pm

OK, so I do have a question. Does the EAA have a charter? If so, where can I find a copy?


Wes Ragle
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Re: EAA vs SOS airventure beer tent

Postby GraemeSmith » Tue Dec 03, 2019 3:01 pm

Here is an informational document that has a mission statement and a statement about governance. From their media section on the website.
5-2-17-EAA-Facts-DK-2017-4 (1).pdf
(118.25 KiB) Downloaded 403 times
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Re: EAA vs SOS airventure beer tent

Postby WesRagle » Tue Dec 03, 2019 8:06 pm

GraemeSmith wrote:Here is an informational document that has a mission statement and a statement about governance. From their media section on the website.

Thanks Graeme,

That doesn't provide much guidance does it?

Wes Ragle
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Re: EAA vs SOS airventure beer tent

Postby WaiexN143NM » Wed Dec 04, 2019 5:33 pm

Hi all,
Lots of interesting reading on the internet. just google eaa vs. sos bros.
poa pilots of america, super cub group, matronics, on and on.
the bottom line? everyone is extremely disappointed in the eaa going this route. lots of talk of people no longer interested in coming to airventure. its gotten to commercial, to corporate, chasing the almighty dollar.
i find it interesting on the sos bros facebook page there is a picture with paul poberezny in red one and one of the sos bros. smiling shaking hands. thumbs up moment.
i find it interesting that on the eaa’s own website , a story about a new group, young pilots of america will be meeting
at the sos tent at airventure. 2015.
i’m with graeme, i cant find any photos using any eaa logos. only the word venture. we all can tell the difference between airplanes and beer.
i really doubt this is about copyrights,trademarks, infringement.
its about the bottom line. the sos tent is making some $ that the eaa wants.
im with robbie, vote with your dollars.
im going to airventure 2020 because i already paid for my uwo oshkosh dorm room and my airline tickets.
u can be damn sure i’ll be at the sos beer tent celebrating ‘the spirit of aviation’ with likeminded people.

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Re: EAA vs SOS airventure beer tent

Postby edclee » Mon Dec 09, 2019 9:45 am

I have sent the following Email to the EAA with request to forward it to Jack Pelton and the board:

As a very active member of EAA and a multiple attendee of "Airventure" and constructor of an E-AB aircraft I want to be sure you know my position on the lawsuit EAA has filed against the SOS brothers and their Beer Venture tent.  It is clear that the vast majority of EAA members are against this action.  It seems petty and punitive, much like any large corporation protecting their trademarks, logos, and such.  EAA is an ASSOCIATION, supported by and for it's members.  It's members should have a voice on this action and their voice seems unanimous.  It is unseemly that the EAA should be acting like General Motors in this instance.  If the board is concerned that it will cost the association some income to let this go, consider this:  Given them nearly 100% objection to this suit, the worst thing that could happen is that the suit continue and EAA wins it.  It will cost several thousand memberships and several thousand attendees at the next and subsequent "Airventures".  Listen to the drumbeat...it is the membership telling you to work this out with the SOS brothers outside the legal system.  Do NOT use our dues to pursue these people for what is a real stretch to call there use of the signs as copyright infringement.

Ed Lee, EAA 1026063
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Re: EAA vs SOS airventure beer tent

Postby edclee » Mon Dec 09, 2019 2:43 pm

Follow up on my post on my email sent to EAA. First, there are a couple of errors in my post "there" instead of "their" for example. I hate auto spell check... Anyway, I got a response from Dick Knapinski, Director of Communications for EAA and his Email was essentially identical to that sent by him to N190YX. After further voicing my displeasure with the response, Dick called me and we had a good conversation. I welcomed the dialogue and appreciate the personal call, but we still disagree. He says EAA must protect it's trademarks and considers "venture" a trademark. I think that is wrong-headed and an unnecessary reach but that is the EAA position and leadership is quite firm about it in spite of his being informed by many in the membership otherwise. I did learn from the conversation, however that the brothers have not actually been served with a lawsuit as yet and hopefully this well be resolved in a proper manner.

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Re: EAA vs SOS airventure beer tent

Postby WaiexN143NM » Mon Dec 09, 2019 7:39 pm

Hi ed, all,
Ed, the EAA ceo and chairman of the board jack pelton, and the board are not listening to the members.
yep your right an association. and the people on the top are not listening to the membership. 99% of the membership is againt this lawsuit. i know i wont be buying any beer or wine or spirits on the eaa grounds. please support the sos beer tent, and. the fine resturants/bars around the airport perimeter and generally around the town of oshkosh.
i guess we need more members to run for the board , and we need to become more active in the voting process.
It’s sad , the gold star image i had of the eaa is greatly tarnished.
lots of aviation blogs/boards had articles on this subject. 99% of the people posting were against the eaa’s position and actions.
vote with your time and $. do you want to volunteer again at airventure? do you want to eat or drink again at airventure? or off grounds? maybe its time to bring our own drinks( non alcohol) and food to the show.

many of the campers at airventure love the sos tent. many like john, nitely go there. the bonfires, roasted corn, music, toasting a beer with other grass roots aviation enthusiasts. but the eaa board wants to take this away. i guess they didnt get the last nickel.

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Re: EAA vs SOS airventure beer tent

Postby GraemeSmith » Mon Dec 09, 2019 8:44 pm

edclee wrote:I did learn from the conversation, however that the brothers have not actually been served with a lawsuit as yet

He is splitting hairs. A process server may not have been over - but it's in the court system - see an earlier post where I posted a copy of it.
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Re: EAA vs SOS airventure beer tent

Postby lgsievila » Mon Dec 09, 2019 9:15 pm

I also received an email from Dick Lapinski with same language. That said I googled BeerVenture so please see the following results:
Beerventure Series-Portland Oregon
Urban Dictionary Beerventure: Definition-The act of visiting multiple alcoholic establishments in search of a rare type of beer
Beerventure-Munich Germany
The Great Beerventure
Beerventure- Brussles, Belgium
Vermont Beerventure
Beerventure by Mike
Beerventure Richmond Virginia
Images of Beerventure
Beerventure rides-on the road to Connecticut CraftBeer
Brownies BEERventures
Beerventure Octoberfest
Hopped LA Beerventure-and the list goes on.
Not to mention Airbnb in Oshkosh that advertises "AirVenture Rentals"
I don't think there is enough money in the EAA coffers to sue all these people and businesses. It is a total waste of money(my dues) to do stupid stuff like this and that is why I cancelled my auto renewal.

Admit you screwed up Jack Pelton and if you cant the board should fire you IMHOP.
Loren Sievila
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Re: EAA vs SOS airventure beer tent

Postby WaiexN143NM » Mon Dec 09, 2019 9:59 pm

Hi paul,
I’d sure like to know how many and who on the board were in favor of this lawsuit. its beyond ridiciouls.
and the people that work at HQ’s , im sure there are people that think this is bs, but dont speak out, due to their job security. Whats more galling is this non profit EAA, has heard from the membership, the majority want this dropped but
they continue full steam ahead, spin machine churning out statements.

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