EAA vs SOS airventure beer tent

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Re: EAA vs SOS airventure beer tent

Postby Sonex1517 » Sun Dec 01, 2019 7:37 pm

I’ve been an EAA member for a very long time, and grew up in Wisconsin.

Ever since Tom Poberezny took Oshkosh over and changed it to AirVenture, the money grab was on. It’s gotten progressively worse. EAA has very little resemblance to the organization I grew up around.

There are a lot of eyewitnesses to Paul Poberezny going off about the changes when he was involved in the Sport Aviation Association, and his words were very direct.

Personally, this was the proverbial last straw. I vote with my dollars, and maybe EAA listens to that. They sure don’t listen to their members.

Several EAA employees frequent this forum - and its my hope they bring to the attention of EAA management these comments as well as those on other online forums.
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Re: EAA vs SOS airventure beer tent

Postby WesRagle » Sun Dec 01, 2019 8:36 pm


This will be my last comment on this. I feel a full blown rant coming on so I have to stop :-)

Likely to be at the root of EAA’s concern with “Beer Venture,” this can be found in the suit: “The ‘Beer Venture’ event heavily promotes consumption of alcoholic beverages and utilizes female servers wearing bikini swimsuits. Both activities conflict with the family friendly image and nature of EAA and its AirVenture event.”

Does the leadership of EAA realize that when they use that moniker they are directly referring to you and me? Aren't the rank and file members what really make or break an organization? Regardless of how I feel about the "consumption of alcoholic beverages and female servers wearing bikini swimsuits", the "leadership" of EAA has no right to invoke my name, my organization, and say that anything they disapprove of conflicts with my values. Our only shared value is a love of experimental aviation.

This is just another case of egos run amok. There are already far too many egos in the world trying to tell me how to think and what to believe.

The End,

Wes Ragle
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Re: EAA vs SOS airventure beer tent

Postby N190YX » Mon Dec 02, 2019 5:31 pm

I emailed EAA about this and received the following response:
Hi, Stan:

Thanks for your email and your 50 years (!) of EAA membership. I also appreciate your candor, as it allows me to respond frankly. I’ll also share this with our senior leadership team.

There are a lot of our members who enjoy the SOS Bros area during the week. And nothing in the filing prevents them from making as much or more money as they always have. It’s their land and as long as they have all the permits they need, go for it. All we ask is that they not use EAA logos and trademarked material while doing it. It goes way beyond the “Beer Venture” name. We’ve had pretty good discussions with them about that and we’re hopeful that an agreement is in the near future. The legal papers are as much to make sure that this doesn’t get off the tracks, as deadlines spur action by everyone involved. Having known Paul (rest his soul) for a long time as you did, you’re right in that he would have tried every channel possible to reach an agreement, but I can think of a couple of examples where he had a point where the next step was necessary, too.

Probably the best analogy I can think of locally here is what happens around Lambeau Field every Packers home game, or with most major events, for that matter. Lots of independent people make plenty of money from the crowds that arrive for the event. Good for them. But they also understand (or the Packers help them understand) that they can’t use the Packers brands, Lambeau Field name, NFL, or any variations of it in their name or their publicity. Companies where you have worked probably have trademarks and logos that they protect as well.

Hope that helps a bit, and thanks again for writing. And a happy holiday season to you as well!

Best regards,

Dick Knapinski, EAA #494456
Director of Communications
EAA—The Spirit of Aviation

Phone: 920.426.6523

See you at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2020: July 20-26

From: EAA <no-reply@eaa.org>
Sent: Saturday, November 30, 2019 12:17 PM
To: Editorial <editorial@eaaorg>
Subject: EAA.org - Contact Us

Name: Stanley Stewart
Email Address: n664v@sbcglobal.net
Message: I would appreciate if the following message would be forwarded to Jack Pelton and the members of the Board of Directors of the EAA: I am disappointed in and disillusioned by the EAA going after the owners of the SOS Beer Venture tent. Previously I have not considered the EAA a big business in the negative sense. Come on, "Beer Venture" is a trademark infringement? Give me a break! Read Kathryns' Report about this, (http://www.kathrynsreport.com/2019/11/e ... inc-v.html), it just sounds bad and reflects badly on the EAA, it is certainly not something Paul Poberezny would have done or condoned. You are losing your way concerning what the EAA is about! The negative public relations from this will far outweigh any gain the EAA would realize by succeeding in this lawsuit. Please, please back off. Stan Stewart EAA #41871 (I attend AirVenture every year)
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Re: EAA vs SOS airventure beer tent

Postby GraemeSmith » Mon Dec 02, 2019 7:52 pm

Copy of suit attached.
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Re: EAA vs SOS airventure beer tent

Postby WaiexN143NM » Mon Dec 02, 2019 8:54 pm

Hi all,
You may have noticed the link to kathrynsreport no longer carries the article. seems to have disappeared off the roster. The EAA headquarters is NOT listening to its membership. Members are very disappointed in the HQ actions and filing this lawsuit. The EAA is a nonprofit, yet they want to act like a for profit company, and go after the brothers for copyright infringement.
All the public forums online, have one thing in common. the membership is outraged by this lawsuit, has been vocal about it, yet eaa hq seems to be tone deaf. Why dont they get it? the majority of the membership wants this lawsuit dropped. it reeks of pettiness and the eaa chasing after the last nickel. The EAA HQ has lost its way. Its lost paul poberenzy’s vision. Drop the damn lawsuit! ! Use our membership dues for aviation related things.
If this goes to trial and the good citizens of oshkosh vote this down , whats the eaa going to do then? spend more money on an appeal?
Jack Pelton, eaa board of directors , HQ staff: DROP THIS LAWSUIT!
enough is enough!
The only thing this lawsuit is doing is giving the eaa a bad name.
i surely hope that jack and the board are reading the online forums and see the outrage, disappointment, anger at the eaa HQ. Time will tell how they respond. Then we will respond. They need to listen to the membership loud and clear.

Last edited by WaiexN143NM on Tue Dec 03, 2019 3:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: EAA vs SOS airventure beer tent

Postby GordonTurner » Mon Dec 02, 2019 9:09 pm

How much do Jack Pelton and swashbuckling cronies make off EAA, personally.

I hope it is actually a reasonable stipend for their time and dedication to a higher cause, experimental aviation in America.

But for Experimental Aviation in America.....us....it’s not how big it is, it’s much more how REAL it is.

We don’t want to be famous. We do appreciate the legal defense of our hobby, for some a business. But we are not focused on “the biggest show in the world” and we are not focused on the organizations bottom line. It is time for US, the membership, to pay attention to what is going on behind the scenes with the politics and economics of the organization.

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Re: EAA vs SOS airventure beer tent

Postby fastj22 » Mon Dec 02, 2019 9:11 pm

It seems to me that the EAA is trying to push the SOS brothers out. They now allow beer on site after 5pm at selected vendor stands and probably would like to focus those who imbibe to stay on site. Sorry, part of the fun of going to Oshkosh and navigating the chaos of the arrival is the march from homebuilt camping with like minded builders to engage in behavior that is legal but not likely approved by members of the clergy. So kick the SOS bros out, I ain't coming back. The show has gone total corporate. I've been to the show since 2010. Flown in 7 of those years. I don't think I'll make the effort next year.

John Gillis
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Re: EAA vs SOS airventure beer tent

Postby WaiexN143NM » Mon Dec 02, 2019 10:04 pm

hi all
Gordons comments are spot on. exactly from now on we need to be more involved in the politics and economics of the EAA organization. salaries , money spent , capital spent on the grounds.
The EAA Hq opened pandoras box. We as members need to be more involved in whats going on. We cant count on HQ,s anymore to be operating in the members best interests. Vendettas, payback, pettiness seems to be on the menu.
Shame Shame Shame on jack pelton and the board.

i too like robbie grew up in wisconsin, worked during my high school years at the FLD Fond du Lac County airport for the late great airport mgr Will Haase , who recently passed away. i got my flight ratings , then after high school started my 35 yr atc career. ive met luminaries who stopped by the airport during those days, paul, tom, bill brennand, steve wittman. ive been to every eaa oshkosh/airventure. 50 yrs . My father and i have built a vari-eze, sonex waiex, now building a zenith cruzer. . Sadly the eaa lost its way when rod hightower took over. Now it seems to be happening again.
i too like john am wondering if i want to attend airventure again. has it just become so corporate and chasing the almighty dollar?

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Re: EAA vs SOS airventure beer tent

Postby dbdevkc » Tue Dec 03, 2019 10:09 am

The issue at hand is not simply about this lawsuit. It only serves to bring attention to a much bigger issue that is boiling up under the surface. An issue that many in the membership have a gut feeling about but may not have been able to identify. The growing overt and over the top commercialization, consumerism, and corporate presence have less and less to do with "the spirit of aviation".

It is our duty to keep close tabs on the actions of the board. This is not a corporation with a board whose duty is to insure continued growth and profits for the shareholders. In my opinion, over the years EAA HQ has done and continues to do many things right. There are some very good people in the organization whose heart are in the right place. Unfortunately, on the other hand some things seem to have spun completely out of control. In too many areas the profit motive has become a primary concern as opposed to an ancillary one. Unfortunately, the "spirit of aviation" or "learn, build, fly" seem to have become truly secondary concerns, not necessarily to everyone in the organization, but to the decision makers in the board room and the organization as a collective whole.

Let us remember that we, the membership, should have ultimate control over the direction of the organization. The decision makers are ultimately answerable to us. But we must hold them accountable for the decisions and direction they take.
[color=#800000]Kevin Conklin
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Re: EAA vs SOS airventure beer tent

Postby DCASonex » Tue Dec 03, 2019 11:37 am

The seemingly consolatory letter from EAA's Mr. Dick Knapinski, confirms what many here have been saying, that EAA is no longer a group of aviation enthusiasts, but rather is now a BUSINESS with a brand and trademarks that must be defended. He also compares EAA to professional sports, one of the biggest and most profitable businessmen in this country. Experimental aircraft now seems to be a minor part of EAA, perhaps an new organization is needed.

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