Sonex LODA

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Sonex LODA

Postby rmtrudeau » Tue Nov 27, 2018 10:02 pm

New to Sonex, still doing research...looking around the boards...

Is there any reason why no Sonex CFI/Owners have a LODA for transition training?

I would love to try and get one when/if I ever get done with a build. Just wondering if there is something regulatory standing in the way?

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Re: Sonex LODA

Postby Sonex1517 » Tue Nov 27, 2018 11:42 pm

Hi Ryan,

The million dollar question. I am sure more seasoned people than I can answer, but when we started the Sonex Builders and Pilots Foundation, we thoroughly investigated this.

Many reasons - first, there is the LODA process itself. It seems to vary by FSDO. One member had to go through a re-inspection to get their LODA. There is the added insurance burden. There is the high cost of entry with little return. There is a murky regulatory environment for doing training in a experimental aircraft. Unless I am mistaken, even with a LODA, you cannot get a tailwheel endorsement in a Sonex, just transition training. I was told EAA is trying to change that via the FAA.

To date I am only aware of three LODAs being issued for Sonex’s. One in southern Illinois, one to the factory, and one in Ohio. None are currently actively doing training.

Hopefully others chime in here with more specifics.
Robbie Culver
Sonex 1517
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