Darick's Sonex #1646

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Re: Darick's Sonex #1646

Postby Sonex1517 » Sat Oct 21, 2017 10:13 pm

Robbie Culver
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Re: Darick's Sonex #1646

Postby Bryan Cotton » Sat Oct 21, 2017 10:42 pm

Awesome Darick! Hopefully you got C77 included in your flight test area. If not, hope to see you at Oshkosh next year!
Bryan Cotton
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Re: Darick's Sonex #1646

Postby jaflint » Sat Oct 21, 2017 11:14 pm

Fantastic! Congratulations Darick — what an accomplishment!

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Re: Darick's Sonex #1646

Postby WaiexN143NM » Sun Oct 22, 2017 2:23 am

Congrats what an accomplishment! Great ! Bravo! Ive been watching your posts and build looks great! Enjoy!

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Re: Darick's Sonex #1646

Postby Darick » Sun Oct 22, 2017 9:15 pm

I just attempted to open a YouTube account...I think the instructions are really cryptic..spent way too much time. But anyways here is a link (I hope) to the video go around and landing...
Darick Gundy
Sonex #1646
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Re: Darick's Sonex #1646

Postby samiam » Mon Oct 23, 2017 2:19 pm

Darick, that is awesome! Great work! Let me know when you're ready to show 1646 off, I'll hop over in the Champ and marvel at the finished product. Stay safe and enjoy Phase 1!
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Re: Darick's Sonex #1646

Postby tmobbs » Sat Dec 23, 2017 7:12 am


I seem to remember that you installed a carby heat system in your Aerovee-powered #1646.

The Authorities here in the UK insist that we have a carby heat system even though Sonex says it doesn't think Carby heat is strictly necessary with Aero-Injector type carby installed inside the cowling. So I was wondering why you did, and how you are getting on with yours. Did you build your carby heat system as per the (optional) Sonex plans?

I have to say that on my #1555 I am not getting quite the revs that some contributors to Sonex Builders Net are reporting and I am wondering whether that might be attributable, at least in part, to the tortuous route the "cold" air has to take before it arrives at the carby.

I would be very keen to hear of your experience

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Re: Darick's Sonex #1646

Postby Darick » Sat Dec 23, 2017 3:36 pm

Hello Tim, no that was not me. I have no carb heat on mine.

I get 3300 rpm static. I haven't tried wide open throttle in level flight yet. At 3000 rpm in level flight the indicated air speed is 130 mph and this is not wide open throttle.

It appears winter is here to stay in the northeast so I probably won't be flying until spring.
Darick Gundy
Sonex #1646
Taildragger, Aerovee, center stick, Prince P-Tip Prop
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Re: Darick's Sonex #1646

Postby Darick » Fri Aug 17, 2018 9:22 pm

I've posted sporadically about flying phase one this year. The unusual problem I am having is high temps on #1 cylinder (left rear), not #3(right rear) as is always the case. After checking numerous times all the usual cooling problems, I started again with the baffling.

Well I feel stupid because I did check this months ago, or so I thought, but the left rear baffling was just barely making contact with the cowl. So just yesterday I replaced the black factory rubber along the aft aluminum baffle with the usual red silicone rubber from ACS.


I have yet to fly with this (almost finished, needs rivets) as our grass runway is once again wet and soggy.

I'll update as soon as I can fly again.
Darick Gundy
Sonex #1646
Taildragger, Aerovee, center stick, Prince P-Tip Prop
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Re: Darick's Sonex #1646

Postby Darick » Tue Sep 04, 2018 10:18 pm

The new baffling worked good although #1 cylinder CHT is still hotter than #4. That's ok I'll take the improvement since I don't have to be so attentive to the rapid #1 CHT rise anymore.

Other tweeks that need to be addressed...heavy left wing which I'll first adjust by lowering the left flap.

Also it wants to yaw right so I'll be adding a trim tab on the rudder to correct for that.
Darick Gundy
Sonex #1646
Taildragger, Aerovee, center stick, Prince P-Tip Prop
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