Moving onto a new chapter of my build. Firewall forward / electrical! Yippee!
I have done a lot of thought, research and careful planning on my avionics, panel and electrical system. Since about mid-summer I have been designing and purchasing all of the components and tonight I finally started with making the battery box. I went with the plans designated type and size for the Odyssey PC625 battery, but I followed Bob Meyers approach with the construction.
I should also note that I plan to upgrade my built but not yet installed AeroVee to the new Turbo package, so I need to keep everything on the firewall to the left side of the aircraft, and down low (this is based on the recent webinar and Jeremy's pictures and statements).
That's my new company lease car in the background (we hit a homerun with the new Acura TLX!)
The front panel is attached with piano hinges and can be opened for easier installation and removal of the battery!
I will rivet this on over the weekend and start laying out the master relay, voltage regulator and the ignition coils.