fastj22 wrote:I have 48 hours on my Waiex. I've flown at gross (1200lbs for my plane) only a few times with most of the weight in the passenger seats. I'll tell you, I don't like it. It really changes the way the plane handles. Just doesn't feel right, compared to flying solo. Take heed to the Sonex warnings of exceeding 1200lbs. The wing is just too small to handle more than 1200lbs.
The problem associated with the Viking powered Waiex is shear power. Full left rudder is needed during the take-off run, then less after lift-off. The aircraft accelerates way past the designed in trim range, within seconds.
So, maybe someone can give helpful suggestions?
Every Viking Waiex takeoff from X-50 is more like a rocket lounge. We go from standing still, to cruising speed in seconds. (160 mph)
I don't mind the full left rudder to keep things sivilized on the ground. It is the cruise portion of the flight that has me concerned.
Seems to me the airplane was designed for a cruise speed in the 115-125 range?
At these speeds the spring loaded trim system can keep up with the airplane. Anything faster and the aircraft wants to climb like a homesick angel.
We have removed all springs in the trim system to test this. We then changed the wing incidence to help matters. We are now about to change the tail incidence, but want to do an internet quarry before attempting to do so.
The last thing I want is 20 lb of spring force on the controls to counteract the speed of the airplane
Opinions? Suggestions?
rizzz wrote:It seems the Viking engine has too much power for a Waiex aircraft, at least according to Jan :-)
Adding flaps will tip the nose down in cruise. It will also mess with the airfoil. So we tilted the entire wing instead by installing new parts and drilling the aft spar at 3.0" from the bottom skin, rather than the 3.156 called for. This helped, but is not enough.
Next we tilted the engine down 1 degree. Helped some but not enough to make any changes.
Next we are thinking about changing the angle of the V-Tail attachment, or live with aerodynamic external trim tabs.
daleandee wrote:So he was either lying then or now ...
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