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Aerovee Turbo coolant leak

PostPosted: Thu Dec 19, 2024 12:12 am
by pduffy
I recently acquired a completed Model-A, with the Aerovee turbo. There a small coolant leak from the turbo that appears to be coming from the fitting that is against the firewall, and I noticed that this fitting can be rotated easily by moving the hose back and forth, but it's not really accessible. Can anyone comment on this fitting? Is it attached by a grommet or a fixed fitting? I'm not sure if this is where the leak is coming from, but it's a possibility. The leak disappears when the engine is running, but it drips after the engine is stopped. Any help from other Aerovee turbo owners would be appreciated.

-Patrick Duffy

Re: Aerovee Turbo coolant leak

PostPosted: Sat Dec 21, 2024 8:59 pm
by pappas
I think your description is too vague. If you post a couple of pictures of the offending fitting you will get a lot of suggestions from the forum.