Induction leak

Discussion of the Aerovee kit engine.

Induction leak

Postby marlinz » Mon Sep 15, 2014 10:41 pm

I have a Waiex with aerovee engine and Aerocarb. 21 hours on engine and still not getting anywhere with the mixture setting. I am dealing with what seems like the typical problem of a rich rough-running idle when wide open throttle is set right. I initially had an intake leak on the intake manifolds that is fixed now. but more recently I checked for leaks again (using the blower side on a shop vac). I sprayed soapy water on all the possible leaks and noticed that there is a significant leak around the screw adjuster on the needle. The threaded hole is square and I assume that that is why it leaks. A mechanic friend of mine is convinced that the leak around the needle is what is messing up my idle setting. Also, it leaks around the slide too. My question is: is that leak normal, or is it something otherwise?
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Joined: Mon Sep 15, 2014 10:27 pm

Re: Induction leak

Postby Onex107 » Tue Sep 16, 2014 9:58 pm

I'm having a similar problem. It ran pretty good for 25 hours. Rich at idle and good wide open. Today it runs great at 950 and won't run above 2750 without going lean. (I think) At 2750 it runs so rough I have to idle it down. The last time I flew, at takeoff it dropped a cylinder and I just barely was able to climb. On downwind the cylinder turned back on and I flew for an hour at 3000-3100. I suspected a stuck valve but today I think it's induction leaks or a screwed up carb.
OneX 107
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