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Running lean?

PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 9:30 pm
by mike.smith
I suspect I may be running lean on my AV. 7.5 hours on engine. 100LL. Leaning in flight doesn't seem to change EGT numbers. EGTs now consistent about 1250-1300. When at 2,700 rpm or higher, CHT 2 & 4 385. CHT 1&3 395-405, sometimes bumping 410 momentarily until I flatten climb and throttle back. Generally run coolest 30 min after takeoff and climb.

Due to temps I run w/ mixture full forward almost all the time, yet last time out used only 3.5 gal/hr. Even after several practice takeoffs and climbs in the pattern.

Stock AeroInjector setup w/ #2 needle set per instructions. No changes or tweaks.

In flight, no RPM drop between primary & secondary. On ground, idles nice at 1,000 rpm. No stutters or burps.

What's the best way to know or check if I may be running lean, or if I'm OK?


Re: Running lean?

PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 10:30 pm
by fastj22
Why not put a half turn rich on the needle and see what happens?
I just did that as I prepare to head to the low lands of Oshkosh. It really required I lean out on cruise at 8500ft.

Re: Running lean?

PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 11:32 pm
by Sonex541
I would say a half turn to richin it it up , I'm goin to do the same when I have a chance to get to the hangar , my egt are high , cht on both sides are fine thou , Im goin to start with a half turn out and see what happens , let me know how you make out mike , thanks
Adam Simmons

Re: Running lean?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 1:08 pm
by radfordc
I agree that you are way too lean. Running as lean as I dare I burn close to 5 gal/hr. Bob Mika gets his engine down to about 4.7 gal/hr.

You should be able to vary the EGT with the mixture control by about 100 degrees from full rich to full lean.

Re: Running lean?

PostPosted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 1:16 pm
by Onex107
I just went to a 2 1/2 needle after 25 hours on a 2. It went so lean it wouldn't run above 2600. The 2 1/2 solved the WOT problem but it's too rich at idle, just like the #2, and I can't reach any adjustment that will give me the 100 degree change from lean to full rich. At 2900 static the mixture is out one inch and at idle, 950-1000, it's out almost to cutoff.
How much do you have to adjust your mixture over the full range of throttle?