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Re: Sonex VS Waiex!

PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2018 9:20 am
by Sonerai13
Ok, I'll weigh in here, for what it's worth. I have many hours in all the factory airplanes, plus a number of hours in various customer airplanes. In my experience, there is NO measurable performance or difference between the Waiex and the Sonex. You really can't tell which one you're flying unless you look out and see what tail is back there! Now, having said that, there are always small differences between one individual airplane and another. These airplanes are all unique unto themselves, so there will always be small differences that may or may not be noticeable.

As for crosswinds, I can say from experience that the factory Waiex could handle any crosswind that the Sonex could. I landed that airplane in a howling direct crosswind that was more than 20 knots and it handled it fine. Yes, it was work, but it did it. Wouldn't want to do it on every flight, but it could be done. The straight-tail airplanes handle crosswinds very well indeed. I'd say that either airplane will handle winds that most pilots would be uncomfortable with.

So, here comes my personal opinion on the subject. If I were making the choice, it would be a straight tail. It's lighter, it's easier to build, and it's easier to move around by hand on the ground as well. You just grab the leading edges of the horizontal stabilizer, pick up the tail, and move the plane where you want. That's not as easy to do on the Waiex. For me, the weight would be the biggest deal, but I'm a bit of a weight "nazi" (to use a non-PC term).

One small item to nit-pick - the Waiex is a Y tail, not a V tail. It has a small conventional rudder under the "V", which makes it a Y.

Remember, this advice is worth exactly what you paid for it!! :)

Re: Sonex VS Waiex!

PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2018 3:45 pm
by LarryEWaiex121
I don't always bite on these types of personal observations but, here goes.
About 609 hours in with my Waiex, I agree on 95% of whats been said. My 5% divergence here is in a pure crosswind landing. Straight tail Vs. Waiex tail.
I honestly feel the biggest difference is going to be in the level of skill in the guy operating the controls. All things being equal, I'd give a tilt of the hat towards the conventional tailed plane.
In the conventional tailed plane, you have independent rudder and elevator control, which we're all familiar with.
In the Waiex when your trying to "plant" the tail wheel firmly on the ground; such as in a crosswind take off or landing. You pull the stick back and both ruddervators go up. Add right peddle and the left one goes up and you'd think the right would go down by the same amount right? Wrong.
The right one barely goes down a little from full up. Remember were already full up trying to plant the tail?
So the matter becomes more of what do you want? Primarily elevator control or left, right control? The reality is always somewhere in the middle.
So its a compromise you don't have with the conventional tail. With conventional controls you can use as much or little as you want. With the Y tail you give up a bit of "rudder" control with extremes of elevator control.
Now before one screams,,,,,,,but it had a sub rudder. Well that helps. It's actually quite effective at cruise speed in damping yaw. At low speed, not so much.
Obviously, just my opinion.
Would I still build one over the other? Yes. I like the looks of the Waiex in a tail dragger configuration better then the conventional tail. Perceived differences or not.

Waiex 121YX, Camit 3300, Skyview

Re: Sonex VS Waiex!

PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2018 8:06 pm
by fastj22
caveman370 wrote:I agree with Mike. I have the conventional tail, but have flown John Gillis’s wayex also.
I think his is faster ( maybe the speed cowl)
Handling is identical to me


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You were definitely cooler flying my plane and I was less cool flying your's. When Mike and I cross country together, men want to be like me, women want to be with me. They will still talk to Mike.

To add something useful... My waiex is more tail heavy than Mike's. Which means I have less ability to put things behind the seat and stay in a comfortable CG range.

I took Mike's Sonex through the aerobatic series during Phase 1, spins, loops, rolls, stalls... No significant differences than my Waiex. When people say both planes are nearly identical in handling, they ain't lying.

Re: Sonex VS Waiex!

PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2018 9:01 pm
by Flynic3
Good Evening,

Thank you all very much for your input on this Subject! I greatly appreciate it...
Looks like I will be going wih a Waiex and plan on ordering the tail kit this summer after OshKosh.
I am looking forward to this build and joining the Sonex family. Thanks again for all the wonderful comments and opinions!

