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Installing spacers W40-11 in spars

PostPosted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 10:55 pm
by trwolf
As I was installing my inboard ribs I discovered that the the W40-12 spacers had already been installed in my factory spars and "assumed" that that meant that the W40-11's were installed as well. Not so. Ok, I have been successful in removing the -12's, now does anyone have any sure fire way to install the -11's and keep them in place while you fit up the ribs, redrill, debur and rivet? These are the 1/8" spacers that fit between the .032" webs. You can see where they are placed on W36 & W35, E, F, G, H.

Ok, so I fished out the installed spacers, laid the spars flat and cut a piece of formica about 3' long and just a bit narrower than the spacer. Thus armed I was able to slide the new spacers into place. I actually made some new spacers that were a bit wider so that I could install a small rivet once in place so that they would not move after installing.