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Flight instruments

PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2017 3:20 pm
by bvolcko38
I am to the stage of thinking about instruments...variometer specifically. Wondering whats been done, what is recommended or not. I see that there are now varios that talk to flight computers that have AHRS sensors and boggles the mind!!

Re: Flight instruments

PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2017 3:40 pm
by racaldwell

I bought the S10 from LXNAV in Dec. when Wings & Wheels had it on sale. It has a built in battery so the main battery can be shut off and saved for engine starting. It also has GPS moving map to keep me out of airspace I shouldn't be in. I can't tell you how it works as I don't even have a fuselage yet to install it in. I think I'll go with MGL for engine monitoring and PFD but still on the fence. Maybe LXNAV will have their new system on the market by the time I get ready to buy.

Rick Caldwell
Xenos 0057
Melbourne FL airport