Photo Album Forum Procedures and Rules

Use this area to create a thread with photos from your build.

Photo Album Forum Procedures and Rules

Postby chris » Tue Nov 13, 2012 3:55 pm

The purpose of this sub forum is to provide a space to upload images from your build for others to easily locate. I would very much appreciate it if you use a free image hosting site to upload your images. Here is a link I posted some time back on how to use one of the many image hosting sites with

  • Subject line should include at least a few of the following: Name, Type of plane, Plans #, etc to make it easier to locate when others are searching.
  • Include a description under each photo with the plans page or part #. This will also help people searching for images and increase the usefulness of this site and the search function.
  • Inlcude no more than 5 images per post but add as many posts as you would like to your thread.
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