by Bryan Cotton » Tue Dec 29, 2015 8:56 am
I did not flute the bottom, just the top. Thought I might need to pull the skin to flute for that last hole on the bottom too but did not. It was a very small adjustment. The blue lines on the top were probably not as true because the top flange out by the tip was very wavy. I trued that up after I drew the blue lines and should have done it before. The bottoms have less curvature and looked fine so I did not have to work those flanges.
Bryan Cotton
Poplar Grove, IL C77
Waiex 191 N191YX
Taildragger, Aerovee, acro ailerons
dual sticks with sport trainer controls
Prebuilt spars and machined angle kit
Year 2 flying and approaching 200 hours December 23