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Re: Scott's Sonex #1629 - Progress

PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 7:37 pm
by Gripdana
Your installation looks clean. Really nice.

Re: Scott's Sonex #1629 - Progress

PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 8:48 pm
by ScottM-Sonex1629
Thanks for your help earlier today Dana. It was pretty straight forward once you realize the extra 10 wires in the V6 harness MGL sends you are not needed for the Sonex!

Re: Scott's Sonex #1629 - Progress

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 11:20 pm
by ScottM-Sonex1629
Today I finished wiring up the MGL Xtreme into the panel.


Connected the RDAC to the harness and the Xtreme.


And made a mini harness with quick connector for the fuel tank and Princeton fuel level probe/sensor.


Re: Scott's Sonex #1629 - Progress

PostPosted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 12:13 am
by ScottM-Sonex1629
I was messing around with my Expercraft build log tonight and stumbled across the "website" feature. I didn't realize this but I was able to post a few pages for home section, and share the link.

My site is not as detailed or helpful as others, mostly it's been a way for me to technically document my work for the FAA inspection, etc.

Here is the link if anyone is interested:

Re: Scott's Sonex #1629 - Progress

PostPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 9:12 pm
by ScottM-Sonex1629
Tonight I installed the battery which Mike Farley is letting me borrow for a bit while he rebuilds his Turbo Upgrade (I have not ordered a battery yet).


After connecting the terminals I said a brief prayer (please don't let this thing go up in smoke), flipped the master switch and was rewarded with a nice heavy click sound (master contactor relay opening).

Figured I would try the avionics switch and see if the MGL Xtreme would come to life...and it did!



While I am waiting for another BNC connector to arrive, I went ahead and worked on the engine sensors and, spark plugs, etc. Once I finish the other end of the antenna cable I can connect the radio and power it up for a ground test (hopefully tomorrow night)!


Re: Scott's Sonex #1629 - Progress

PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 12:44 am
by Bryan Cotton
Man- all those electrons running around and behaving themselves. Looks great Scott!

Re: Scott's Sonex #1629 - Progress

PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 10:37 am
by Darick
Scott, what was your reason for having a separate switch for the radio? If you are having a transponder, will you put that with the avionics circuit?

Re: Scott's Sonex #1629 - Progress

PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 11:17 am
by Bruce593SX
Scott, what did you use to stick the fuel probe box to the fuel tank? Not much sticks to that poly does it?

Re: Scott's Sonex #1629 - Progress

PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 1:54 pm
by ScottM-Sonex1629

I originally had one switch and one circuit breaker for the "avionics" which included the EFIS and Radio. Why did I change, well after reading the instructions for both the MGL Xtreme and V6 com, and several other publications for reducing EMF interference issues, I decided last week to spilt the two apart. Also the MGL devices do not have their own internal on and off switch. So on startup of the avionics you get everything powered up. I wanted to be able to isolate the EFIS/EMS monitor (Xtreme) and then turn on the radio after startup, to keep the electrical load reduced. And yes, if I add a transponder, AHRS, and Magnetometer in the future they will be powered off the same "avionics" switch and source.

You can do it however you want, this was the layout and wiring choice I made for my comfort level.

Bruce: I hadn't thought about the fuel probe not sticking...but I used red RTV, taped it on while the sealant cured, and it seems pretty stuck on there. I wanted to make it easier to pre-wire and move/remove the tank if needed (like now as I finish the fuel system and wiring).

Re: Scott's Sonex #1629 - Progress

PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 2:59 pm
by Bruce593SX
ScottM-Sonex1629 wrote:Darick:

Bruce: I hadn't thought about the fuel probe not sticking...but I used red RTV, taped it on while the sealant cured, and it seems pretty stuck on there. I wanted to make it easier to pre-wire and move/remove the tank if needed (like now as I finish the fuel system and wiring).

Thanks, I think I'll give that a try as well, hopefully it won't fall on my feet ;)