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Adjusting the Tailwheel

PostPosted: Tue Aug 04, 2020 8:44 pm
by Friesen5
I’ve flown my tailwheel Sonex over 400 hours since 2007. Many landings were an adventure with a pedal dance when the tailwheel contacted the runway. I recently readjusted the tailwheel linkage. I thought I would do a visual and measured alignment. Instead I pushed the airplane forward along the center line of the taxiway. It made a gentle turn to the right. I adjusted the rod end incrementally until it tracked straight. Now the airplane tracks nicely when the tailwheel is lowered.

Mervin Friesen
Sonex 122

Re: Adjusting the Tailwheel

PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2020 4:10 pm
by thomas
Mervin, Thanks for this tip. I've bookmarked your thread so I remember to adjust the tracking when I get to that stage of building. Paul