Discussion for builders, pilots, owners, and those interested in building or owning a Sonex.


Postby Skippydiesel » Fri Jun 28, 2024 6:13 am

Had my first passenger today.

My wife, a little lady of 52 kg, asked to have a flight in the Sonex. WOW!!! Last flight she had with me (10 years ago) I was lucky to survive, such was her anger at being brought close to clouds??????

Anyhow I was delighted at the change of heart.

Nice winters day for it, sun shining (not a cloud to be seen), 18C and only a slight westerly wind, causing the occasional rotor/turbulence off the Great Dividing Range - magic!

Got her in, ladies first of course (no choice in a Sonex), made sure she was comfortable, shown how to use the safety belting and the head set, instructed not to touch anything without the pilots expressed permission and not to talk (hard one) during TO/Landing phase of flight.

Then it was my turn to mount the beast. Despite my delusion, as a giant amongst men, I come in at about 60 kg & am of "slight build", there is only one word for the sensation, as I dropped carefully into my seat - SQUEEZY!

Despite knowing that the Sonex B was a wider cockpit development of the Legacy (A) I don't think I really understood just how small the cockpit is. I would describe the Sonex Legacy, not as a 2 seater, but a 1+1. Essentially a single seater that can, on occasion, with a high degree of intimacy, accomodate a smallish extra person.

The .6hr flight went well - she may request another flight on another nice day. Not sure if I am blessed or cursed - time will tell.
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