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Re: OSH 16

PostPosted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 9:09 am
by WaiexN143NM
Hi all,
Also a couple more additions, first, congrats to a member here , ihab awad for winning the eaa founders prize for loss of control incidents. Maybe he could post here and tell us about his entry. Contest finals was jul 26 8 pm theatre in the woods. He was one of 5 finalists, $25,000. First place! Time to buy a sonex!
Another great venue was 29 jul at the veterans breakfast 8am at the partner resource center, just west of the tower. Great food as always at this annual event, and the guest speaker was michael durant. He was the CWO piloting the H-60 Blackhawk in somalia. Oct 3 1993 shot down in mogadishu, call sign 'super64' . Incredible talk. His book is avbl on amazon, 'in the company of heros' .

Re: OSH 16

PostPosted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 6:59 pm
by ihab
WaiexN143NM wrote:congrats to a member here , ihab awad for winning the eaa founders prize for loss of control incidents. Maybe he could post here and tell us about his entry. Contest finals was jul 26 8 pm theatre in the woods. He was one of 5 finalists, $25,000. First place! Time to buy a sonex!

Thank you so much! I actually feel the weight of responsibility now to make sure my idea is actually used! I started a blog here --

and my paper that I submitted to the EAA is here -- ... kFGM0UtYjA

I wish there were a video of the presentation I gave, but there isn't one I could find yet. I could link to my slides but they're not very meaningful without the narrative, but in any case, here they are, in all their mystery -- ... vUmPJaPW0w

Buying a Sonex -- yeah that's in scope if it would help. It would sure make it easier to test out stuff on my own airplane without having to check with the feds. :) But ideally I want this installed in a flight school, to be wrung out by CFIs and students. We'll see....


Re: OSH 16

PostPosted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 7:11 pm
by Sonex1517

First - a huge congratulations! What a great thing to do!

Second - if you need a test platform for the working prototype count me in!

Re: OSH 16

PostPosted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 8:34 pm
by ihab
Sonex1517 wrote:... if you need a test platform for the working prototype count me in!

Thank you Robbie!!


Re: OSH 16

PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 9:42 am
by WaiexN143NM
Hi all,
Top of the morning to all. Ihab thanks for posting and sharing your project. Yep get a sonex and join the tribe! U can test out your project on your own plane. Good article in about loss of control LOC titled 'why johnny cant fly' .
Update on the martin mars also on avweb.
Do any of you know anyone that wants to apply to be a controller ? Faa taking applications aug 8-15. See article also on avweb . Its a young mans/womens game , got to be under 31 at time of hiring.
Talked to sonex factory folks on the flightline. Lots of builders going w the b model conversion.
The new cowling side exits will be avbl soon as a kits.
Hope tom and dave are recovering and doing well.
Was great to meet so many at wayne and kathy 's , jim, bryan, keith and father wayne, rob, bob, phil, bill, dave,and a couple others who stayed at the Daniels house.


Re: OSH 16

PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 6:27 pm
by WaiexN143NM
Hi all,
Mark your calendars, oshkosh2017 is only 51 weeks away. July 24-30.


Re: OSH 16

PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 7:48 am
by SNX1508
Do any of you know anyone that wants to apply to be a controller ? Faa taking applications aug 8-15. See article also on avweb . Its a young mans/womens game , got to be under 31 at time of hiring.

Isn't that age discrimination?!


Re: OSH 16

PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 11:38 am
by WaiexN143NM
Hi terry,
No just a federal law, and max mandatory retirement age is 56. The rotating shift work and overtime at the larger airports/facilities is grueling. Need at least 20 yrs service and age 50 to retire. Just life and as we age sick leave use, meds and waivers for faa class 2 medical. The job was fun , but the politics, funding, staffing, wears on you. Nice to be retired at 55.