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EAA Tech Counselor Visit

PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 7:41 pm
by BobDz
I had a very successful, informative, and interesting Tech Counselor visit yesterday. Actually two counselors showed up and we had a great evening.

One thing that came up was internal stresses being concentrated on a sharp exterior corner. I have to admit that I have never encountered that idea, and have never even heard of it. I did a very minor amount of research and could not find any info. The easy fix is a minor radius on external corners while deburring.

Anyone else have any info on this? Oddly enough I did radius the corners on my vert. stab., but even odder did not do it on hor. stab.

If you're not using EAA Tech Counselors on your build, do it. If you're building an airplane, or any project, by yourself you risk developing tunnel vision. An extra set of eyes is very valuable