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Keep building!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 09, 2023 10:24 pm
by Sonex1517
For 4 1/2 years as I built my Sonex, I dreamt of evenings where I could fly it and just soak in the moment. During the build process, my brother Mike, who was my inspiration in aviation and building, passed away from cancer. (One of our Sonex brethren has his RV kit)

For those of you still building, still troubleshooting, still working on the project….keep at it.

This evening was magic.

I am based in the Chicago suburbs (for now) and just southwest of my home field are endless fields and open space. I departed this evening off runway 36, climbed out over a local park where my wife was mountain biking, headed west over the airpark my in-laws live at, and flew by my neighborhood at 2500’.

The sky was amazing. Blue, some wispy clouds….the temperature was perfect. 84°F on the ground, about 78° at 2500’. I headed southwest.

My friend, a pilot for a regional, had told me when he was headed into the local big airport, and said he would call me on our frequency that we chat on when we fly formation. So I headed out over the open fields, cruising at 2750 RPM and 2500’ just grinning and soaking in the moment.

My Sonex - the one we built in our garage (!!) - performed flawlessly. She purred as I headed out over nowhere in particular, tuned in listening for my friend. I knew when he would have a moment to call me, and generally where, so I headed out to where I knew he would be (albeit much, much lower).

The air was smooth, little bumps that are inevitable in June in the Midwest. The local drop zone was busy, so I stayed clear of them. As I turned to head back, my buddy came on frequency, asking if I was up. We shared about a minute of brief conversation - enough to remind me how lucky I am. To remind me how few get to do this.

As you build, as you dream, as you struggle - keep going. It is so worth it.

Looking out at wings you built, keeping you aloft.

Listening to the engine you installed, moving you forward.

Hearing your friends chatter.

Keep at it my friends. The end result is priceless.

I was thinking of Mike. Of how he would have loved this. And how he inspired me.

Re: Keep building!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 09, 2023 11:30 pm
by WaiexN143NM
hi robbie,

beautiful! thanks for sharing.


Re: Keep building!

PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2023 1:13 am
by Bryan Cotton
Well written Robbie. And I'm sorry to hear about your brother.

I didn't fly tonight but have been flying often. And it is magic. Sometimes I'm flying with my oldest and co-builder, and teaching him what I know about flying. Sometimes I am flying with my youngest, who is struggling with some issues. We typically get up just before sunset as he is not up early in the day, and we just cruise around. Sometimes (more rarely now) I am flying solo, and when I am solo I am usually out pulling Gs, practicing my loops & rolls.

So yes brothers and sisters, stick with it. It's hard to finish but you must persevere, even if it takes a while like it did for me.

Re: Keep building!

PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2023 1:17 pm
by Nick
Great words and sorry to hear about your brother. But he Knows how you feel and is with you on every flight.