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Seeking Sonex for Transition Training, w/compensation

PostPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2022 3:10 am
by karmarepair
I’m having trouble getting insurance for my nearly completed Tri-gear Aerovee Sonex, and I’d like to pitch YOU, owner of a flying Sonex, a deal to get transition training in YOUR airplane, with an instructor with Sonex experience, and with insurance, that I would pay for, to protect your financial interests, assuming your plane is out of Phase 1 testing. Also, compensation to the extent the law allows (fuel, certainly, a contribution to hangar rent, maintenance, etc). This would happen at your home airport - I’d come to you.

I’m a 350 hour private pilot, actively flying.

A tri-gear Jabiru 3300 would be prefered, since this will be two-up, and I'm slightly above 200#, with most of my hours in Nose Rollers, but I'm willing to consider other configurations. I'm in California, so Pacific/Mountain Time Zones preferred, but I'm open to anywhere within a 2 hr drive of an airport with commercial service.

I'm willing to consider becoming a part owner, at least temporarily, if that's what it takes, but it looks to me like the titling could be a PITA.

The plan would be to work with YOUR insurance broker, to have me, and a CFI (either a guy I know from this forum with Sonex experience, or YOUR CFI you use for your BFR, or other local CFI acceptable to your insurance) added to your policy as Named Pilots and I would pay the Up-Charge for this for, say, 6 months.

I'll need 10 hours of dual to satisfy my insurance (per a quote from the fabulous Victoria Neuville). There may need to be a LODA, for somebody, I'm looking into that.

Re: Seeking Sonex for Transition Training, w/compensation

PostPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2022 10:46 pm
by karmarepair
I've been contacted by a member of this forum via an E-mail I sent them, and it looks like we have the beginnings of a deal.

The lesson: ASK. You don't get what you don't ask for.

Re: Seeking Sonex for Transition Training, w/compensation

PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2022 7:10 am
by lstinthot
Im looking for someone to get my tail wheel endorsement and transition training as well. pick up a Sonex this week. willing to travel as needed to get it done.
