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Extra Wing Fuel Tank

PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2020 6:08 pm
by Jgibson
Just curious: for those who purchased and are installing the extra tanks in the wings, how did the install go?
Any surprises? Was it as much or more work than you anticipated?
Anyone have photos of the tanks and/or installation progress?
Thanks in advance.

Joe Gibson

Re: Extra Wing Fuel Tank

PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2020 7:43 pm
by lpaaruule
It took longer than I expected, but that was mainly because I was very tentative. I should have just locked myself in the hanger for a couple days, and I would have had them installed.

The tanks themselves seem to be made well. I wish they wouldn't have come with any hardware, as some of it didn't get used. The transfer pumps provided allowed the main tank to drain into the wing tank, so I had to spend extra time and money to replace those.

It's nice having the extra fuel. I like not having to fuel up twice every time I fly somewhere that's a little over a hour away. However, since most of my flying is just short local flights, I kind of wish I would have used a removable solution. My plane now weighs 715lbs; my first flight without upholstery or wing tanks I weighed 663lbs. The plane performs great with them, but had I not set my gross at 1200lbs it would be a one person plane. As it is, I only fill the main tank if I have a passenger. BTW, at 1180lbs, and a density altitude of 2500ft, I still get around 800fpm at about 90mph. So the limiting factor isn't performance.

Bottom line is I'm satisfied with how the install eventually turned out. Hopefully I'll be able to get some long flights in and really take advantage of the extra range once the covid19 stuff is over.

I don't think I have any pictures, but if I find some, I'd edit this post and add them.

Re: Extra Wing Fuel Tank

PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2020 10:11 pm
by Jgibson
Thanks Paul. Would really appreciate seeing some photos of the parts and install from you and/or anyone else who have accomplished or are in the process of installing the tanks.
Much appreciated.


Extra Wing Fuel Tank

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 6:58 am
by Carlos Trigo
Who sells this extra tanks?


Re: Extra Wing Fuel Tank

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 3:08 pm
by Jgibson
A 'run' of tanks were made at one time for builders who committed to purchase them beforehand.
I will have a set made myself when the time comes.


Re: Extra Wing Fuel Tank

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 6:59 pm
by Jgibson
Waiex143NM: 2 p.m.'s sent.

Re: Extra Wing Fuel Tank

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 10:40 pm
by WaiexN143NM
hi all, carlos,
they are made by azelea aviation.(bill clapp)
i would just buy the basic welded tanks and finger screens. source all other parts yourself.
clean the tanks out good, i.e. dust and alum shavings.


Re: Extra Wing Fuel Tank

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 6:36 am
by AlexZ
Getting the tanks shipped to Europe would be costly. So making them over here saves some money. Are there drawings available? Or is it simple enough to make my own design?

Re: Extra Wing Fuel Tank

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 12:05 pm
by Jgibson
I'd like to see a drawing with dimensions myself as I have a source to make me a set. The pumps, lines, etc are easy enough to spec ourselves.
