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Securing things in the engine compartment

PostPosted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 11:04 pm
by Spaceman
What are some methods you guys have used to secure various things around the engine?

Seems like zipties are kind of frowned upon sometimes although they are probably the easiest for smaller things. On the other end of the spectrum there's adel clamps, but they're probably overkill for a lot of stuff! What else is there?

So far I've used adel clamps to mount some large things like the oil separator and turbo cooler radiator. I have all kinds of small wires temporarily ziptied to the engine mount, but I'm debating if I should use something else. Then I have some medium size things floating around (oil hoses, throttle/mixture cables, spark plug wires, etc), that I'm not sure what to secure with yet.

Anyone have any good tips?


Re: Securing things in the engine compartment

PostPosted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 11:56 pm
by wlarson861
Zip ties are great for securing wires and small hoses to the engine mount. However you must cover the contact area with silicone tape to prevent the zip tie from wearing into the material. My DAR said he did an annual on a Cessna that had a Zip tie wrapped directly to the steel motor mount tube, over the years the zip tie had cut into the metal so far that failure was eminent.
This the stuff; you can also get it at most home centers:

Re: Securing things in the engine compartment

PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 12:49 am
by Spaceman
Oh yeah! I forgot to mention that. I did pick up a roll of that same stuff from aircraft spruce. Seems real handy. I've been wrapping it around the motor mount wherever anything could potentially chafe against it. I only heard about that stuff recently and I'm glad I did!

Re: Securing things in the engine compartment

PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 11:49 am
by Onex0029
Mike and Mark Patey sell a rubber lined zip tie that would alleviate the chaffing issue. They own Best Tugs.