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Why is throttle often not accessible from right seat?

PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2020 7:48 pm
by Johnbarratt
Hi friends!

I’ll be shopping for my first (second hand) Sonex/waiex in next 45-60 days and was wondering why some of you have chosen not to install throttle/mixture in the center on the plane so it can be flown from both seats?

Is there an advantage or is it personal preference to left seat only?

Thanks in advance.


Re: Why is throttle often not accessible from right seat?

PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2020 8:45 pm
by Rynoth
For me it was preference, but also included the flap/brake controls. It wouldn't make sense to me to have the flap/brake controls on a different side than the throttle/mixture since that would involve a lot of hand-swapping from the flight control stick. If you don't mind/would prefer having flap/brake in the middle, then a middle throttle/mixture would also make sense.

Re: Why is throttle often not accessible from right seat?

PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2020 8:53 pm
by Bryan Cotton
You really need all the non-elevator & aileron controls to be on the other hand. A good compromise, if you want side controls, is to use a guest throttle like the Sonex factory had. The guest throttle is on the right side, loops around under the tank and works the left hand quadrant.

I did center controls on mine.

Re: Why is throttle often not accessible from right seat?

PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2020 11:13 pm
by mike.smith
Personal preference, of course. Anything in the center of the panel gets in the way for me. I prefer to fly with the stick in my right hand, but I've flown aircraft with sticks in my left hand and the throttle on the right. I was comfortable in 5 minutes. It's really not an issue, either way. And the cockpit is so darn narrow it's really not much of a problem if the passenger needs to reach across to the left side throttle. Probably not too good for training scenarios, though. I have throttle, brake and flaps on the left side, and like it that way. No issues at all after 500 hours of flight time. It's what you get used to. Any way you decide will work; you'll become a pro at it in short order.

Re: Why is throttle often not accessible from right seat?

PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2020 8:11 am
by GraemeSmith
Throttle on the left hand
Stick in the right hand

Like flying a fighter...... :-)

How it's supposed to be! (YMMV)

I like the throttle left side - as I adjust power I can extend a finger and adjust trim on the lever as I do.


My CFI had no problem distracting me for a moment and then reaching over and flipping the throttle closed while announcing "now what are you going to do?"

Grant you it would be different for letting a guest fly the plane. Interesting idea about the "guest" throttle. Or - then it becomes more useful to have a center throttle. I don't have enough guests!

Re: Why is throttle often not accessible from right seat?

PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2020 8:22 am
by DCASonex
I made mine dual throttle setup with center stick. Concept borrowed from a Zenith. That allows the co-pilot to fly the plane if pilot wants to take a break, or develops problems, or Co-pilot just wants the opportunity to be in control. Electric flap switch and trim lever are still left corner of panel only, but can be reached by co-pilot if needed.

David A.

Re: Why is throttle often not accessible from right seat?

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2020 10:09 am
by Johnbarratt
Sounds like either works.
Good point about the narrow cockpit.

Thanks everyone!!