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Kid's say (and know) the damnedest things

PostPosted: Sun Nov 10, 2019 8:56 am
by GraemeSmith
EAA 196's final rally of the year at 6B6 - Minuteman. Cold start at KUUU - Newport before I flew up there.

Out with the Dragon heater to be sure of a good start while being kind to the engine.

This is why we do it - 1

This is why we do it - 2

So there we are at 2,500ft AGL in the area of the Wachusett Reservoir, MA with an 8 year old Young Eagle. He hasn't exhibited much aeronautical knowledge - though he is keen and interested and I noticed him correctly using the words "Aerodynamic" and "Streamlined" during the preflight.

We have just carefully gone over positive exchange of flight controls and the young person seems to understand, and get right my - "So now who is flying the plane?"

Even more importantly - they give the controls back when asked. I then ask my final check question before I let them loose to try flying the plane:

"So - why do you think this is so important to get right?"

Young Eagle - "So we don't die like everyone on Air France 447".

He wasn't even BORN when that happened!

Mike Smith's and my Sonex take a break in the proceedings.