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Active Forum?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 04, 2019 10:20 am
by epopper
I am interested in learning about and possibly building a SubSonex (2 seat JSX-2T) and would like to find an active forum. This forum seems to be dead with little discussion on the specifics of building an airplane. Is there another location that builders discuss build issues and details about their airplanes?

The benchmark in the kitbuild world is, which is extremely active...


Re: Active Forum?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 04, 2019 11:14 am
by Rynoth
10+ posts in the last day seems dead to you? There's a ton of information on this forum and lots of active participants ready to answer questions.

As for subsonex discussion, there is very little of that here as I just don't think there are very many kits out there. Most of the knowledge of the users here are regarding Sonex/Waiex/Onex/Xenos and various engines, if there's a more active SubSonex forum out there i"m curious as well.

As for the Vans forum, yes there are WAY more vans kits out there, therefore more builders and activity. But we're a pretty active/informative forum here for Sonex-specific products.

Re: Active Forum?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 04, 2019 12:02 pm
by XenosN42
Hi Eric,

This forum is in fact very active. Your first stop should be the search box. Almost all common questions have been answered there (and some rehashed over and over again). Also sign up for the daily email digest. It comes to your inbox everyday and includes all the posts from the previous 24 hours.

Because you're looking at a SubSonex, and a version that isn't even available yet, you won't see many SubSonex specific posts. But keep in mind the airframe structure of ALL the Sonex models is very similar. So just because a valid answer is posted for a Xenos doesn't mean it isn't valid for a SubSonex.

Almost remember that the SubSonex models only come as 'quick build' kits. You'll instantly skip over many potential issues that builders of other kits may (or may not) encounter.

And lastly because you're looking at the newest model if the plans or forum doesn't have an answer to your question you can always email Sonex tech support. They are great at getting back to you with an answer.

Re: Active Forum?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 10:27 am
by SonexN76ET
As an dditional source of information please check out Kitplanes magazine both in print and online. They are thoroughly documenting the construction of Paul Dye’s SubSonex.


Re: Active Forum?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 12:12 pm
by WesRagle
Hi Eric,

Unfortunately there is very little discussion on this forum of building a SubSonex.

I think the main reason is that there is little to discuss. As I understand it the Jets are only available as quick build so there's nothing to discuss as far as scratch build, kit build, quick build, ...

The gear is retractable so there is nothing to discuss as far as gear configuration, tire size, wheel fairings, .... It is what it is.

There is nothing to discuss as far as engine choice. Again, it is what it is.

Can't discuss carbs or prop selection.

As far as instrumentation is concerned I think it would be wise to follow the company lead exactly.

I agree with Jake. If you are truly interested in building a Jet, keep an eye on Paul's articles in Kit Planes, read all the information on the Sonex web site,
and enjoy obsessing about the paint scheme :-) If you hit a snag while building, Sonex LLC tech support is readily available.

My $0.02,


Re: Active Forum?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 1:39 pm
by Bryan Cotton
We need a first subsonex builder to get active on the forums and maybe others would join in. This is a great forum.

Re: Active Forum?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 6:32 pm
by mike.smith

We would all LOVE to live vicariously through a Subsonex builder! So if you do, I guarantee you'll get some forum traffic by sharing!

Active Forum?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 10, 2019 5:27 pm
by n307tw

I agree with Mike. Be the starting force of sharing your sub-Sonex build with the rest of us. Until then, I doubt you’ll get much input from other builders who haven’t built one yet. If I win the lottery rest assured I’ll be building that two-seater!


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