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How to Wash Polished Sonex

PostPosted: Wed Nov 21, 2018 11:38 pm
by Direct C51
So it is time for my first annual condition inspection, which will include my first airplane wash. My Sonex is polished, although not very well. What do you polished airplane guys use to wash your planes? I feel like water would leak in everywhere if I washed it like a normal airplane. Do you guys use a waterless solution? Thanks!

Re: How to Wash Polished Sonex

PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2018 12:10 am
by MichaelFarley56
Take this for what it’s worth, but I washed my polished airplane once and won’t do it again. I had water spots everywhere and it took a long time to clean up.

Depending on how dirty the airplane is, I normally stick with mineral spirits and a microfiber towel to wipe mine down. I have heard of some people reporting good luck with distilled water and a little polish mixed in as well for overall cleaning.

Is your airplane that dirty? If it was painted go ahead with a wash; if it’s polished, just wipe it down.

Have fun!

Re: How to Wash Polished Sonex

PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2018 12:41 am
by Direct C51
Thanks Mike, no it isn’t that dirty. Just a little dust, bugs, oil, from a year of flying and sitting in a hangar in dusty Bakersfield, CA. I keep sheets on the wings and canopy but the tailcone and tail feathers are exposed.

I was mostly asking what people are using to waterless wash their polished planes. I was worried that something that wasn’t “slick” would push the dust over the surface scratching it in the process.

Re: How to Wash Polished Sonex

PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2018 12:47 am
by mike.smith
Tap water from the hose and Dawn dishwashing liquid. Micro-fiber towel to dry off. No spots and no issues.

Re: How to Wash Polished Sonex

PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2018 9:50 am
by sonex1374
If you wipe down the water right away you won't have any problems with water spots. Likewise, let the water dry naturally and it's likely you'll develop some spots. I like to use a window cleaner that looks a lot like windex, but is ammonia-free and really effective. It's called "Sparkle" and you can get it at Home Depot (you may need to order it online and have it shipped to your local store). A gallon jug with squirt bottle is $8. ... /203261397


Re: How to Wash Polished Sonex

PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2018 3:38 pm
by DCASonex
For bug removal on my polished Sonex, i use Nuvite's bug remover. it leaves a somewhat protective surface.

As to washing. If well polished, so that the surface is closed it will resist spotting quite well, I have had no problem with plain water wash and ordinary car wash detergent (nothing super aggressive) and airplane belly wash for oily bottom of fuselage.) Just do not do it in sun or on hot day, so you have time to towel it dry. You may have something in your water that attacks aluminum, check small area first. First year in hangar, surface got dull quite quickly. By second or third re-polish, surface was closed enough to be very durable. (Has been a couple of years now, and is due for a re-polish.) If you have yours in a hangar, keeping dust off it helps preserve finish. Dust holds condensation. I have covers made by cutting up and duct taping together WalMart's cheap picnic table covers with soft underside. A few elastic straps and very small patches of Velcro in out of sight locations keeps it in place, and can remove in about a minute, and reinstall in 2. Materiel folded and taped to form pockets for wing tips and horizontal stabilizer tips. (Also sign on wing that states "I am not a picnic table, Keep Off.")

David A.