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SubSonex at Reno?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 02, 2018 11:07 pm
by mike.smith
I just read in the August Sport Aviation magazine that the SubSonex may be coming to Reno. There was a press release in June, but I totally missed that. Just one more reason to form a SubSonex aircraft club with 4 or 6 people. Now you can race at Reno!

SubSonex at Reno?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 02, 2018 11:51 pm
by JimP
In the last few seconds of the video on that page the Subsonex is in the foreground. It looks hilariously tiny relative to the single engine radial planes in the background. Sort of like when you see a B-17 with a flying scale model B-17 next to it.

Maybe it’s just my sense of humor. I would still love to have one. It can be funny and awesome at the same time!

Re: SubSonex at Reno?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2018 8:01 pm
by Fastcapy
With the Unlimited Gold field dwindling NCAR/RARA is looking for other ways to keep crowds, that includes making new racing classes. The new class would be a microjet class, as the Subsonex isn't even remotely close to jet class, or even sport class speeds. It would actually be one of the slower classes on a short track which would be kind of fun.

So, to actually see the Subsonex racing we would need a group of Subsonex and maybe Bede jet owners who want to race their planes.

I think NCAR and RARA is on the right track here and wish them luck in continuing to build air racing. If you have never been to the races you are missing a great time. If my Sonex went fast enough to qualify for sport class I would be out there racing next year!