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Re: How many rivets in a Waiex?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 08, 2017 6:43 pm
by LarryEWaiex121

Glad you were received well and the presentation was a success.
I often get asked how much my Waiex cost and I give them a figure that rolls their eyes. Most citizens of the non-aviation world have no concept of how much our toys cost.
I'll give them and answer as best I can, and then top it off with 10% of that amount was shipping and handling.
Over the three years of my build, I ordered so many replacement parts and supplies that I drilled wrong, bent, dented, warped or whatever, that even though my figure is probably a bit excessive, it didn't seem so every time I opened another invoice.
I think the money for a kit supplier is in the shipping and handling. LOL

Waiex121YX, CAmit 3300, Skyview